The Potatoes about Homework

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Aru: "Excuse me, I have to worry about saving the world. I'm holding off on worrying about unnecessary things until I've successfully averted the apocalypse ."

Mini: "I just do my homework while questing, if I'm not about to die, of course."

Brynne: "Half the time, a monster eats my papers. So much for showing my work."

Aiden: "I do my homework after questing, unless I'm tired of Rudy asking what a microwave does or if I'm dead."

Nikita: "I've always turned it in late. Turns out, making your handwriting pretty takes a lot of time when you're trying not get killed by some salty monster."

Sheela: "I always know what the homework is beforehand, so I just write down all my answers somewhere else and copy them onto the homework. "

Rudy: "So they make you go home and do more work? I'm obviously too cool for this..."

//Why hello, welcome to my first part on this shared book. 

-Stormii //

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