The Light of Hope

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There they were again. Exactly where they always were.

In her thoughts, but consuming her spirit.

It was the nightmares that never let Aru sleep, always was, and she suspected will always be.

The same ones, repeated every night. But she can't get tired of it, she gets afraid.

Of the future. Of something she can't control.

Of the potatoes. Of their reactions.

But also of herself. Of how she might end up doing what the Sleeper said, how she might betray the Pandavas and the Gods.

And not for the first time, she was up in the night, trying not to think about those visions and memories.

Yet, like everything else, they were there when she least wanted it.

She really needed to clear her head, so she decided to do something to distract herself.

And she ended up stepping out for a short walk.

Everything was at it would've been at 1:12 in the night; quiet, peaceful and serene.

Until she spotted a certain someone.

Someone whom she did not expect to see.

Someone who had their back turned towards her, yet she knew that person.

Someone who always had the signature camera around his neck.


Well, she had to be certain that it was him, turns out it was.

"Aru? What are you doing out at this time?"

"I could ask you the same"

He laughed nervously, "Ok, you don't answer that question as long as I don't either. Deal?"

"Not a very good one, but fine."

"So, now what?"

"Lets just walk."

Aru started walking with one destination in mind, not at all bothered to check if Aiden was following.

"Wait up Shah!"

"Keep up Wifey!"

"Your purposely walking faster, this ain't fair"



She ran, with Aiden right behind, trying to keep up.

"Last one to the Park is the rotten egg!!"

She had a head start , she would win.

See you soon, rotten egg!

She was almost there, and Aiden was nowhere to be seen. Oh, she would definitely win!

Or so she thought.

"Heloo there, rotten egg!"


"Well, there is a shortcut to the Park, one that you're not aware of, as it turns out."

Aru wanted to blast that stupid smirk off his face, she was trying to be angry but it wouldn't work if he looked so cute!

"You cheated!"

"No I reached first, which means........"

"That this. Isn't. Fair!"

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