Bold of you to assume.

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Aru stared at Mini, who had brought all of the Potatoes ( and Aiden ) to her house.

Silence from everyone for a few minutes.

Finally, Brynne broke the awkward silence. "So.. why are we here again?"

Mini nodded, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her pointer finger. 

"For self defense reasons, I'm going to have you all pretend I'm a burglar, and you all have to act wisely."

She stood, pointing a finger gun at them all. "Give me your money if you want to live." Mini said, voice hilariously low.

"Bold of you to assume I have money." Aru said, giggling.

Behind her, with a completely neutral expression, Aiden said; "Bold of you to assume I want to live."

Silence once again.

"Should we be worried?" Nikita asked.

"Probably." Sheela said.

And Aiden just laughed.

i have returned from the dead!!!!!

- loser-lord-zuko

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