Gogy's Afraid of Planes

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It was a harmless joke, I swear. I was just messaging Dream on Discord talking about how I'd love to live in the United States one day. I'd love to go to places there like Las Vegas or New York. The movies always portrayed the U.S as the place to be. Nonetheless, I was never actually intending to go. The process was far too long and I was completely content in London. It was more of a spur of the moment idea as I found out that by marrying someone from America, you could be granted citizenship. That was it. I never had intentions to marry Dream. He offered.

And was I really going to say no?

After a year of trying, I finally got approved for a visa. It was difficult convincing the embassy that Dream and I were in love. We had to send each other lovey messages about how we wanted a future together and to even adopt two children. Dream went as far as saying specific ages. He was always so extra. To be honest, I found it uncomfortable. If it wasn't for Dream's undying determination to get me that visa and marry me, I would have given up and just stayed where I had been my whole life. But when Dream set his mind on something, there was no point in arguing.

I had never been on an airplane before, and the thought terrified me half to death. The thought of having no escape if we were to plummet thousands of feet into the ground didn't sit very well with me. And as I sat in the waiting area for my plane to board, I thought I was going to have a heart attack and die on the spot. My heart pounded hard in my eardrums, and I could barely hear Dream over the phone.

"Just calm down, dude. You'll be fine," He told me.

"Easy for you to say. There's a reason I made you come to me, you know," I replied.

He laughed, "Yeah, no. It was because Wilbur asked me on a date. What was I gonna do, say no?"

I didn't even have the energy for friendly banter. I only had five or six minutes before I'd be entering the death trap that was a public airlines airplane. How safe even were they? Even though planes crashed less than cars, that didn't mean it never happened. What if I was so unlucky that I was about to enter the one plane in a million that was foreseen to crash and kill me?

"George, breathe. I can hear you hyperventilate through the phone."

"How did you do this, Dream?" I said with a nervous chuckle. My hands were trembling along with my voice.

"I'm not a baby, that's how."


He laughed again, "But seriously? I just did it. I focused on the outcome, which was seeing your cute face in person."

That made my heart race even further. I was already freaking out, and Dream's flirty jokes weren't helping. "Stop," I said, and he wheezed.

"What? Your face is like a baby's. Maybe that's why you're afraid of planes."

"Dream stop," I groaned, dropping my head back as his stupid wheeze clogged my right ear. The door to my plane opened and a man with bags the size of marbles under his eyes came out. That was reassuring.

"Now boarding plane two-eighty," He said into an intercom that would echo throughout the entire airport.

"My plane's boarding," I said, standing up and grabbing my luggage.

"Alright. I'll see you when you get here. For now, I'm gonna sleep. Goodnight."

"Alright. Wait, what time is it for you?"

"Hm? Oh, it's almost three in the morning."

"Oh. Okay, goodnight."

"Night." He hung up. I pocketed my phone and took a deep breath. I'd be fine. Dream lived when he came to visit, and he lived to see his home again. If he could live, I could live too. But as the guy scanned my ticket, I had a sense of impending doom. Like he had just scanned my ticket to my death and there was no going back now.

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