It's Just Polyester

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Dream didn't live too far away from his parents. Maybe about a ten minute drive and we had already entered the neighborhood. His family didn't live in a mansion. They weren't rich. However, they still lived very comfortably. I could tell that Dream grew up without a care in the world when it came to money. His family home was also two stories, and it was in the suburbs. Houses identical to his lined the caldesac. However, it was practically empty out in the streets as rain poured down hard.

"You forgot to mention the rain," I said as he parked in the driveway.

"Did you even bring a jacket to America at all?" Dream asked.

"No. All you told me about Florida was that it's hot!"

He laughed, "Do you want my sweater?"

I raised an eyebrow, a rather flustered smile growing on my face. "No. We're only going to be outside for five seconds."

"It's pouring out there, George. You're going to be drenched."

"No, Dream. Stop."

"No, you're going to freeze. Just take it off when we get inside."

"I'm not wearing yo—"

"Just put the sweater on already!" Sapnap suddenly growled from the backseat.

"Fine, why are you always so aggressive?" I craned back to look at Sapnap, and he kept pulling at the lever in the backseat.

"I can't unlock the door back here. Dream has to."

Dream laughed as he pulled his sweater off over his head and tossed it to me. Ocean-y scent blew off his sweater like dust. I could tell he wore this sweater often. He refused to unlock the doors until I had put it on. By the time I popped my head up through the head hole and looked over to Dream, he snapped a picture.

"I'm posting this," He sneered, refusing to show me the picture. I pulled out my own phone and snapped a quick picture of him as I pulled on the locked door.

"Post it, and I'm releasing your face reveal."

"Touché," He unlocked the door and finally let us out.

Dream's sweater was already loose on him, and it pretty much engulfed me. My hands could not poke out of the sleeves and the hem of the sweater reached down my thighs. I threw the hood on and it covered my eyes. I walked around the car to see Dream and Sapnap waiting. And as they did, they snickered and laughed.

"Shut up," I grumbled. "We're going to the store right after this and buying me jackets."

"Your fault for not bringing any," Dream laughed. "How could you forget, anyway? You're staying 'til November!"

I rolled my eyes. I did, however, have to admit that there was a reason this sweater was his favorite. It was so warm. It reminded me of the beach with its ocean water smell and the warmth that reminded me of the warm sun. It was like being bundled up in a little summer bubble with the rain pouring at all other angles.

We walked up the porch and Dream knocked on the door. By now we were under the shade and were free to take our hoods off. Dream ran his wet hair back with his just as wet hand.

The door opened to a tiny woman shorter than me. She looked nothing like Dream. It was almost like he didn't even come out of her twenty-two years ago. She was a tiny petite lady who didn't look old enough to have a son as old as Dream. She had long wavy brunette hair that flowed delicately over her shoulders, and brown eyes that reminded me of hot cocoa. The only way I was able to definitely know that I was staring at Dream's mother was her smile as she gazed up at the three of us. It was exactly like his.

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