Dream's Favorite Pizza Flavor Issssss

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Dream's house was smaller than I expected. Mainly because he talked it up to be some amazing mansion, when in reality, it had the bare necessities inside and nothing else. He slammed his car door shut and shouted, "Home sweet home!"

"Where's your ten stories and golden carpet? Huh, Dream?" I said as I got out of the other side. "Isn't that what you said your house looked like?"

Dream smiled sheepishly, "I'm twenty-one, dude. Did you really expect me to have much?"

"You're rich, though," Sapnap said as he walked around the car to join us. "You can afford more than a small house. You probably could afford a mansion."

"Yeah, but I have better things to waste my money on." Dream started counting it off on his fingers. "Taxes, better computer equipment, food, clothes, and you idiots."

Sapnap laughed, "True, true. George can't do anything for the next three months too."

"Exactly!" Dream chuckled, leading us up to his porch. He fished his pockets for his key.

The house wasn't bad looking. It was definitely a nice house with everything you needed inside. And if Dream could live in there, anybody could.

He unlocked the door and let us in. The living room had a TV and a soft-looking gray couch, and that was basically it. It was such a simple set up with rarely anything on the walls, and yet I couldn't look away. For the first time in our entire friendship, I was in Dream's house. On the couch sat a small marble cat licking themself clean. Dream plopped down on the couch beside the cat and placed them on his lap.

"Look Patches, George and Sapnap are here!" He said, picking the cat up and pointing their paw at me and Sapnap.

"Aww Patches is so cute," I said, walking over and carefully petting the cat, and Dream laughed.

"Right? Anyway, my room's upstairs and to the right. Make yourself at home. It basically is for the next ninety days."

I dragged my things up the stairs with little to no help from Dream and Sapnap. They, instead, cooed over Dream's cute kitty cat. I wasn't saying his house was a let down or anything, but it was nothing like how he described it. There was nothing on the walls aside from pictures of him with his family and friends that I did not recognize. His upstairs didn't have a huge loft like he said it did, and his room had nothing inside aside from a bed and computer.

Sapnap was right, his bed was just big enough to fit the both of us in it. It was like two twin size beds side by side. The bed had clean white sheet that didn't have a wrinkle in sight. I honestly expected his room to be an absolute mess, but it was actually tidy. Tidier than my room back home, even.

His computer was by the window. It was probably the most expensive thing he owned. It had two monitors and a light up keyboard that had bright yellow or green surrounding the keys. Scattered on the walls around his desk were fan art sent to him through the mail. It went from small sketches and doodles to fully colored art. There were letters with faded writing, some with perfect cursive, and others with absolute chicken scratch.

I tossed my luggage aside. I didn't know where to put my stuff, and I didn't want to go looking through Dream's drawers and closet to find a spot.

"You're taking the right side." I looked over my shoulder, and Dream had just entered the room. "I like sleeping on the left."


He shrugged. "I always slept on the left side."

"You have this huge bed, and you sleep on strictly the left side?"

His cheeks swept with pink again as he grinned. "My cat usually gets the right, but I'm kicking her off for you. Be a bit grateful."

"I am," I laughed softly. "But what's your obsession with the left side?"

In 90 Days ~ DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now