Don't Think, Just Speak

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I didn't wear suits that often. In fact, I only owned one. But I guess that was one more than most people. I ran a hand through my hair in a fruitless attempt to fluff it up a bit. My tie hung slack over my shoulders. Don't get me wrong, I knew how to tie a tie. Except "knew" was the key word. Memorizing how to tie a tie was not a main priority of mine, especially when I didn't plan on wearing a tie anytime soon.

"George, hurry up!" Sapnap said through the dressing room door. He banged on it and rattled the walls around me. I tore my eyes from the mirror and at the wooden door beside me.

"Hold on!" I grabbed both ends of the baby blue tie and began to loop it around itself.

I eventually gave up and had resorted to using the classic bunny-ear method. It turned out to only work on shoelaces.

There was yet another knock as I pulled the knot out.

"You good in there, George? Did you stick your head through the arm hole or something?" Dream asked through the door.

I stepped up to the door and said in a small voice, "Are you alone?"

"Uh yeah. Sapnap and Bad are looking at suits, why?"

"I can't tie my tie," I mumbled.

He laughed, "I'm sorry, what?"

"I kind of forgot how to tie a tie," I repeated a little bit louder.

"Oh, my God," He chuckled. "Let me in. I'll help you."

I unlocked the door and opened it up. He was from head to toe in all black aside from his white shirt and yellow tie. It brought out his eyes, and they sparkled as he grabbed the two ends of my tie. His hair was its natural mess, but for some reason it actually made his personality shine through his formal appearance.

"I honestly thought you would have picked the blue tie," He said.

"I did. Isn't this blue?"

"No, it's pink." He snickered as he took the tie from me and wrapped it around his own neck. "Alright, watch this, George." He showed me both the ends in his hands and overlapped them. My eyes drifted up to his. For once they weren't looking back. Many specks of hair fell over his face and into his eyes, and he'd swipe it away without even thinking about it.

His voice was really smooth. One that could slip me into a peaceful sleep if I let it. And right now it wasn't the same as when he was with Sapnap. It was calmer, deeper. Like a different part of him was talking to me. And I was so busy listening to the way his voice moved that I forgot to pay attention to what he was actually saying.

"And there we have it." He pulled my tie over his head and over mine. He brought the knot up to my neck and his eyes traveled up my neck and into my eyes. I couldn't bring myself to look away. He was so close our breaths mixed together. His eyes flickered before he smoothed out my suit. His eyes dropped and move up my body. I could feel where his stare was. It sent tingles up my spine. When he reached my eyes again he nodded with a soft smile. "You look great."

"Uh, thanks," I replied quieter than I intended.

"How do I look?" He spun around with his arms out, and he looked at me like a hopeful child at a candy store window.

"Uhh with your eyes," I replied, walking passed him and over to where Sapnap and Bad were. Sapnap had a black suit and a red tie on and he and Bad were looking at the white suit with black stripes. Sapnap was the first to notice me.

In 90 Days ~ DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now