Final Words :)

47.8K 1.4K 1K

*I'm really bad at closing lines I'm sorry lol*

Well there we have it. It's all done. I was thinking of publishing the final chapter right as the manhunt premiered tonight to make you guys torn, but I wanna watch it too and you guys would 100% choose Dream over me anyway so that clearly didn't happen lol.

It's honestly a bittersweet feeling for me. I'm so happy I completed it. I rarely ever complete projects. But I'm sad it had to end at all. I met some amazing ppl through this story. It was so so fun to write. This has been the first story in a long time that I genuinely enjoyed writing. I've had my ups and downs while writing this story, and this has honestly been what's been keeping me going and productive lol!

Thank you guys so much for reading! This story blew up way more than I ever anticipated! I honestly thought I peaked at 2k reads but we're now at 51K READS as of writing this! I've seen ppl recommend this story to others, someone livetweeted about it, ppl have messaged me telling me they enjoy my story. These are all things I've imagined happening but never thought would actually ever come true!

And ppl FELT something while reading this. You guys commented so passionately about the angst and the fluff and— Okay, I'll stop lol but I'm just so so grateful you guys took the time to read this. You guys have made me so happy, and your comments always light up my days :)

With that being said, I won't be making a sequel. I never liked making sequels, I never really enjoyed reading sequels except for a few exceptions. I've never written a sequel I was genuinely happy with. Plus there's no reason to make a sequel for this story anyway lol it's already concluded.

I'll be coming out with a new story soon. I'm still planning it so prolly not for a lil bit. Plus I have some things in my life to sort out rn. But I will be back and I really hope you guys will too!

Anyway, thank you guys for sticking around. It doesn't matter if you were here since the first chapter first published or if your reading this a year from now. I'm glad you're here!

Gah I don't wanna say goodbye because it's not goodbye! I'll be back just in another story. So this is just a see you soon, I guess :) I love you guys, thank you for reading!

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