What it Means to Truly Live

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It was a harmless joke. Well, it started out that way, anyway. A year ago I did not imagine myself staring at myself in the mirror on my wedding day, nor did I think it'd be with my best friend.  Yet here I was. Tuesday October 19, 2021– my wedding day.

I had just finished buttoning up my coat when his laugh draw closer down the hallway, and into the bathroom. He was already fully dressed. His suit fit him perfectly. Although I had already seen him in it twice before, this time was different. He had a brand new glow I had never seen on him before, and it uplifted his entire being.

He slipped behind me and looked into the mirror with a laugh. "You still can't tie a tie, oh my God." He grabbed the tie that laid slack over my shoulders and wrapped it over his own neck. He took both ends and began wrapping them around each other.

"Yeah, hopefully I never have to wear that stupid tie again." I watched him through the mirror.

"No, I like it. You should wear pink more."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not doing that."

His green eyes met my brown ones to through the mirror. "Come on, not even for your about-to-be husband?" His smile radiated the room. I couldn't bare to look away.


"I know you're lying. You look to the left whenever you do."

"How do you even know that?" My face heated up quickly.

"Because you lie all the time." He turned me around to face him and brought the tie over my head as he adjusted my collar.

"Oh, my God. Why must you be so observant?"

He pushed the knot of the tie up to my neck with a wide grin. "Because I love you."

I rolled my eyes as a smile tugged at the corners of my own lips. "That's not an excuse for everything, Dream."

He straightened my suit up and ruffled up my hair I had just fixed to look decent. "I know, but I mean it." He looked at us again in the mirror. He was shaking to explode at this point. "We did it, Georgie! We survived ninety days without killing each other!"

"It has not been ninety days. I think we still have, like, a month left on the visa."

He waved it off. "Whatever. We made it to our wedding day. I don't think I've ever been happier!"

I laughed softly, "Doubt that."

"I know you're happy too, George. I think I've got you all figured out." He booped me on the nose before exiting the bathroom and taking me by the hand with him. Before I could ask him why he would think that, he asked, "Do they allow cats in the courthouse?"

"I don't think so."

"Oh come on, I can't get married without Patches. She's the flower girl!"

"Dream, we're marrying in the courthouse. We don't get a flower girl."

"Well still. She's basically my child—our child now. I can't just leave her behind. This is the happiest day of my life! I need her there for it to be complete."

"She can go to the party after."

"No, let's just sneak her in."

"Dream, we can't—"

He scooped his cat into his arms. She had a small flower clipped onto her collar and was wearing a sparkly red dress. Her huge eyes gazed up at me as she was taken off her feet.

"Watch me," He said, throwing open the front door.

"You're going to get her confiscated."

"George, just trust me. I know America more than you do. I've been here for twenty-two years. You've been here for two months." He walked out of the house and I followed close behind. The sun was high in the sky. Despite it being mid October, it was still hot. Sweater weather was basically nonexistent here unless it was raining, and today there was not a single cloud in the sky.

In 90 Days ~ DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now