What's the Rush, Right?

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Ten tickets, five tickets, twenty tickets, one ticket. Jackpot games were so rigged. I wasn't sure how anyone could sit there and play the same game over and over again hoping to hit the slim chance of reaching pure gold. But at the same time, it was the most efficient way to win tickets. Most games in the arcade only gave out five tickets each round. There was no point trying to win from any of those, especially when you had a strategic genius working a jackpot machine.

Sapnap had decided to go for the machine where the light spun around and around in circles and you had to smash the button as the light landed on the jackpot. It was close by to mine, which was the fish game where you pulled a lever and watched the prizes spin like a slot machine. I could hear Sapnap's disappointed groans and the occasional cuss word slip.

I swiped, already knowing we had lost. Neither Sapnap nor I had been able to get anything higher than fifty tickets per round. I pulled down on the lever and watched the screens spin. I watched it go around and around, taunting me with the opportunity to win one thousand tickets. Sapnap appeared right behund me.

"I'm all out," He said.

"Yeah, I am too," I said, watching the machine spin and land on five more tickets.

"But hey, we've got a lot of tickets, right?"

"More than Dream, I can guarantee," I said. "As long as he didn't get the jackpot, anyway."

"Hey guys." We look over to see Dream approaching us. His hands were behind his back and his head was down. I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Did you get the jackpot?" I asked.

He looked up at me with only his eyes and ran his hand through his messy hair. "Does it look like I did?"

"No way! So we won?" Sapnap grinned widely. "That's twice in a row for me!"

Dream scoffed, "We? You guys worked together? That wasn't a part of the deal."

"You never said we couldn't though."

Dream shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Let's see how much you beat me by."

We walked through the arcade that had become more crowded since we first arrived. We reached a row of machines where we were supposed to swipe our cards to see how many tickets we won. Sapnap went first. He had won three hundred and fifty tickets. I went next. My heart pounded as I swiped. It was always a good day when we beat Dream. Maybe it was because we lost so much. Now it was even better, though, because he would have lost twice today.

"Four hundred thirty-two. Added together that makes... seven eighty-two!" I exclaimed.

"Oh we won by a landslide," Sapnap said.

Dream chuckled, "Good for you guys. My turn?"

"Is there even a point? We won! You're so bad, Dream," I smirked.

Dream's small smile grew, and my heart skipped. "I still want to get something from the store." He swiped his card, and four digits appeared. Both mine and Sapnap's jaws dropped to the floor.

"You got the jackpot!" Sapnap screamed. "You lied to us!"

Dream wheezed, bending over just to contain himself. "I got you guys so good!"

Sapnap and I looked at eachother with the same look. I contemplated us running to the car while he was distracted and just leaving him there. But I needed that green card, and leaving him behind did me no good.

He printed out his receipt. "How are you guys so shocked?" He laughed. "Of course I got the jackpot. Have you met me?"

"Well you didn't have to lie to us about it," I said.

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