Ch.16: From Hell (Part 02)

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It was a pilgrimage to a distant place; a journey resembling a curse to the place of the beasts who fled human world, a territory covered with a cloak called "humanity".

A promise made in the distant past. She has always brought those events to the core; she could never forget them, so she kept walking.

He was there; a dragon that deprived men of immortality.

"Please, wake up," she said reaching out to the dormant form of the black dragon, "I promise here in front of you that I will never leave you alone again."

The dragon opened his eyes, and he saw the woman before him. He did not remember how much time had passed since the day they promised to meet again, but he had patiently waited for that moment.

His patience was finally rewarded, and a new world was waiting for them.


Yuto was not new to making strange dreams since the Cycle of Dreams during the Sixth Holy Grail War and his particular nature had allowed him to see the lives of his mother and sister as King of Knights and a Knight of Round Table.

Even dreams became a weapon with him. Thanks to them Yuto could expand the number of weapons registered within Reality Marble.

However, that dream was different. It was not a battlefield and there were no new weapons that he could record. No, Yuto was standing in the middle of a green meadow that never seemed to end. A spring breeze blew through his hair and carried away the white clouds that furrowed a clear blue sky.

If every dream had its own value, then what was the meaning of that?

The answer came early because suddenly, a violent gust of wind blew over Yuto, hurling him painfully to the ground. Yuto looked up and was amazed at what he saw.

A giant dragon was staring at Yuto. It was a western dragon with golden scales and emerald green eyes. The white belly was marked by some scars now healed.

"I don't remember you being afraid of me the first time we met 400 years ago," The western dragon said, finding amusing Yuto's astonished expression, "I have to think you've become limp?"

His instincts told him that dragon was a friend and not to fear him just because he was a dragon, the most powerful between the Phantasmatical beasts. Yuto followed his instincts; he swallowed the fear and composed himself.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" the golden dragon asked with a curious tone.

The dragon landed at a distance from Yuto, but his enormous size was enough to create a shadow that swallowed Yuto. However, the magus could sense that the creature had no hostile intentions, but rather had a slight sense of nostalgia for seeing him.

"You said that we already met somewhere, and my gut tells me that you're not an enemy," Yuto answered firmly.

The dragon remained silent for a few moments, making Yuto a little uncomfortable. However, the discomfort soon turned to perplexity when the dragon burst out laughing loudly.

"What's funny about what I said?" Yuto asked confused.

The golden dragon choked a laugh. "Just the fact that certain things never change despite the passage of time," he said before explaining the wings, "I am Auros, the golden dragon and the guardian of Lyoness."

Auros? He had no recollection of having ever heard this name and Mordred had never mentioned about Auros to him, but then there were many things he did not remember. And if Mordred had also failed to tell him, then she would have her reasons that he would simply have accepted.

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