Locked Room

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"Is she going to be alright nurse, she looks really bad."
"She's going to be fine ma'am, she just needs to..."

I woke up to muffled voices all around me. I tried opening my eyes but they were too painful so I started mooving my fingers  to feel the environment I was in. It felt soft and smooth, like I was on a thin sponge with a cloth covering it. I moved my fingers away from my body but got stopped by a cold beam. I felt my way up and and it formed a really expanded semi circle.

The muffled voices started panicking  and calming down, then panick again when I moved my fingers again. There was nothing beyond the semi circle that were on both opposite sides of the surface I was laying on. So I started moving my whole body, assessing the surface. The muffled voices turned into screamed and a yell singled out. I stopped moving and tried to listen. Footsteps ran into the room and the cried softened.

A cold circle landed on my chest and my reflexes jolted. My left hand went for the circle and the right waved by means of grabbing whatever that as near. I got a good crisp at a collar and asked who was the owner of the Colet and where was I. A calm manly voice told me to calm down and breathe.

"You're at the hospital and I'm your doctor." He said.

I loosened my grip and asked why was I here and why can't I open my eyes.

"You had a panic a attack last week. You were at your home's front lawn when your driver came to pick you up. He rushed you here but you were only unconscious when you got here. The blindness is only temporal, it'll last about twenty minutes, which is the amount of time I'll need, if you'll excuse me,I have to attend an urgent matter." He said them walked out.

I relaxed back and sighed. I heard a familiar voice in the room and realised it was Shary. She was going on about how I could've died and how reckless this hospital was. I chuckled a bit at her tantrums and she imidiately turned to me. She asked me how I was and if I was okay. After I assured her I was okay, she then started scolding me.

"What happened? Was it your asthma again? No, panick a track before school, is it bullies? Do you have people pushing around. Tell me sweetie and I will go up there and give them a piece of m....." She said standing up and waking to the door.

"I'm fine Mom." I said chuckling.  Liked the way se called panick attacks "panick a track", it was it was being called by a five year old.

Sharry quickly stopped and turned to me. Her face was red and her eyes twinkled. She had a huge smile on her face.

"What did you say?" She said starting towards me. I revised my last sentence and found the fault in it. I hadn't noticed that I called her 'mom'. How could I be so stupid, so reckless. Thankfully, the doctor walked in and inturupted. He checked my eyes, which had opened, and my reflexes. He then told me to get lots ot rest and that I'll have to stay one night, just for observation.
As soon as the doc walked out, Sharry went back to the topic at hand. I tucked the hospital blanket and told her I was tired and sleepy. She begged me to say what I said but the nurse asked her to leave. She sighed then agreed.

I kept wondering how I made that mistake of calling her that because I know she'll never let me hear the last of it. Heck, she might do stupid things to make me say it again.


After twisting and turning ln the hospital bed, I found it in me to bare my painful headache and go for a walk around the hospital, just to pass the night.

I walked to the reception, greeted the Lady there, then back to my room. That was as far as I could go without my head overheating, causing serious pain. I looked into different rooms that were n the hallway to my room. There was one that had a peculiar door. All the doors were open or closed but unlocked. This door was closed and locked, yeah, I checked. I tried opening the door but it was locked. Then something happened inside.

The two girls that were on separate beds in the room started mooving. They started shacking and bumping. They looked like they were having a seizure. I tried calling out to them but they couldn't hear me. I tried opening the door but I didn't have the energy in me to bring it down. I called out to the reception lady and she came runnig.

"Quick, the girls in here are going to die you have to help them." I said to her.

She looked in the room then back a me in confusion. I yelled to her not to stand there and do something. She told me to calm down. I couldn't. Those kids were dying and what was standing between me and them was this puny door. We ended up yelling and shouting at each other and I knew she wasn't going to do anything, so I inhaled, cleared my mind, stood back and ran straight at the door.

I managed to knock it down. My head was poundidng and my nose and ears started bleeding. I didn't mind the bleeding and pain though, the girl's lives were more important. The heart beat machine was aleady beaping a long heap, the death beap but I had to something. I ran to the first girl's bed and started shacking her and pleading her to wake up. Since her hair was all over her face, I didn't see her properly but I still shook her. I cleared her face of hair and saw he most horific thing. It, it , it was.....Sabrina. all pale faced and eyes wide open.

I stepped back and looked at the other bed. There was Justina on that one. I looked around the room and beds started spearing, all with different girls and what's more scary is that all the girls on the beds were the girls that went missing. Their heart beat machine sounds started echoing in my head. They had all stopped moving and loping at the ceiling, wide eyed and pale skinned.

I fell to the floor with my hands over my ear, trying to block the beeping soumds, but they broke through my hands and were nowin my head completely. All of a sudden, they stooped. I had curled up on the floor, crying by the time they stopped. I looked up and found the lady and two patients huddled up in a corner. They had fear written all over their face. I tried apologising but failed. I then stepped on a puddle of liquid on the floor. It was blood, my blood. I had had so much adrenaline that I bleed like an open tap. The room started spinning and my head pounded so much it felt like it was going to explode. I looked at the petrified trio and blacked out, again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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