Holiday time !!

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Perries POV:

I woke up by Alex nudging my arm multiple times before I told him to stop . Thankfully we were about to land and I needed to put my seatbelt on . Not much later we were off the plane and the warm summer breeze hit my face as I breathed in through my nose and out from my mouth  which was the best feeling . Around 1 hour later we were at our villa we had collected all of our suitcases and we were now deciding on what to do for the rest of the day .

Nobody's POV :

Both parents decided they would go to the shops and get food for them all as it was around lunch and Perrie and Alex would head to their out door pool . But Perrie didn't want to be with Alex she did ask her mum many times to come with her and Wendy but she said no . This put the two in a awkward place but neither one of them wanted to talk first .

It went by 30 minutes neither one of them had talked to each other and there parents wouldn't be home for at least another hour and a half so Perrie thought to do the taking .

Perrie : You know what I'm not getting let us ruin the holiday so I'm sorry okay
Alex: No it's fine I'm sorry I shouldn't of shouted at you like that it was rude .
Perrie : Lets just forget about it now come on I want to go in the pool she said with the biggest smile on a face .
Alex : Better get there before I do otherwise your getting pushed in

Perrie started quickly tieing her hair up so she didn't get it wet but she was to late Alex picked her up and threw her in and she went straight under . Alex quickly jumped in after knowing that he was going to get a shout from Perrie but he didn't really care .

Perries POV :

Omg Alex I shouted cause he ruined my hair but I wasn't being serious . But he just started laughing in my face and began swimming away from me , so obviously I started swimming as fast as I could to him and oh my this was a big pool . I finally caught up to him and then my legs got tired so I was gonna head out and then I think he realised cause he picked me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck . Now we were close and I just wanted him I wanted us cause all I felt like doing was kissing him but I'm too nervous for that . He swam over to the wall with me still around him which I found very impressive and then my back hit the wall . I was confused we're we thinking the same thing ? Was he about kiss me ?
I really couldn't wait any longer for the answer so I learnt forward and went for it . At first he didn't respond so I carried on I wanted the reaction I was looking for all along but no it was just my kissing his lips .

Alex POV :

What did Perrie just do ? Why was she trying to kiss me ? Do I like her no it was to late she already pulled away before I could try fix what happened . She had a bright red face and looked embarrassed all I could say was im sorry but she didn't say anything .

Perrie POV :

All he said was sorry but I didn't even look back I unwrapped my legs from him and ran back in to the villa and locked my self in the room . I just kissed him and he didn't even do anything back . I started crying and I couldn't stop I didn't even care if Alex heard me what have I just done ! I went for a shower and never planned on going out of my room for the evening . I didn't know what to do I need to tell someone so I texted Jade I told her everything from my feelings to the plane to what just happened .

It had been 1 hour I didn't even know where our parents were or where Alex was I didn't care where they were . But Jade hadn't even text me back so it was just me left alone with my thoughts . I was really starting to get hungry though so I opened my door looked around couldn't see Alex and I began to run to the kitchen and looking in any cupboards I could to find any amount of food .

Until I finally found strawberry's and crisp it was enough for the rest of the night so I didn't have to come back out . Until I was so close to my door but Alex stood in front of it I tried moving his arm but he didn't budge no even one bit .

I didn't want to even look into his eyes but before I knew it he smashed his lips into mine and this is what I had been dreaming for so I didn't even hesitate to kiss back . It quickly started to get heated so I opened my door and began pulling him towards me he layed me on the bed until we heard the front door . At the worst possible time ever so I kissed him once more before he headed away with a smirk on his face and I was left there lying in the bed not even believing what just happened .

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