Real life

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As I was snapped out of my day dream of mine and Alex's first holiday it made me feel special . Crazy to think now we have two kids a  boy and a girl and that I am happily married with Alex . Those 20 years flew by of memories filled with happiness .

It was actually my little girl called Ruby she was the exact image of Alex actually both kids were . She's only 5 starting big school soon - big for her .

It was a Sunday night and Alex was at a meeting so I was watching a movie with the kids . Ruby takes after me and loves Disney so we obviously watched frozen . Where as my son Liam well he's 7 and more into cars but still settled for this film . We were all chilling I already bathed Liam and ruby and it was almost bed time for the two as it was school tomorrow.

As the film ended I carried both kids up and tucked them into bed remembering to put Liams night light on and Ruby's teddy by her side . I kissed both kids and wished them the best sleep and I shut there doors and could finally relax .

So I got into bed and was scrolling through my calendar looking at what I had planned for tomorrow . Got to the studio , take kids to school , take the kids to their nans so me and Alex could have a chill night . Three hours passed by and it was getting quiet late so where was Alex . He's usually home by now we'll he should of been home by now for ages . I text him , called him and I didn't even get anything back .

Me and Alex haven't been so well lately he's been going out a lot , coming home later then usual he's getting quite argumentative he's changed and I don't like it . At all . Because this isn't the Alex I fell in love with year ago yet again in my thoughts I heard the door go . It was Alex . As he almost tip toed in and I was coming down the stairs I just stared at him . He looked messy like he'd gone out I could almost smell the alcohol from here .

Perrie: what the fuck are you doing Alex
Alex: what
Perrie : why are u home so late , have u been out ? Have u been drinking ?
Alex : yeah I went out and
Perrie : you were meant to come home for dinner , you lied and said u had a meeting , what other bullshit have you been saying to me aswell
Alex : What move I just want to go to sleep ( pushed Perrie aside )
Perrie : Dont push me Alex get out I said shouting
Alex : What no I've done nothing wrong so don't tell me to do anything
Perrie : I'm not kidding get out and come back when your sober .
Alex : you know what fuck you Perrie
Perrie : your the one who dosent come home to their family anymore instead goes out fucking drinking with god knows who ( now I was screaming )

Alex just walked out and then the tears flooded I couldn't keep doing this with Alex he never comes home anymore . I just can't , not to the kids anyway .

With that I walked upstairs went to bed sobbing my eyes out .

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