Bottled up

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Perries POV:

I woke up feeling like shit , I was sad , lazy and moody . I just wanted to stay in bed all day but I couldn't because I had a family . It was 8.30 am when I got up still having mascara on my face as I headed  to the bathroom. As I cleaned my face I thought about Alex as mad as I was I wanted him to come home and be the dad he used to be but no . He's changed . I got Ruby and Liam out of bed , got them dressed made breakfast took them to school until I got home . I was left with my own thoughts .

Me and Alex were meant to have a date night tonight but by the looks of it I didn't think would even turn up . As I needed to take my mind of the whole situation I cleaned the whole house . Scrubbed every little corner that there were and decided to take the dogs out .

Whilst on my walk I saw Trent Arnold . He played for Liverpool like Alex and we went out a couple times as Liverpool had lots of party's, events and meals I was always Alex's plus one . He actually jogged up to me and started a conversation I thought he could tell I was down but he didn't bother asking . I would of kept it bottled up anyways and lied and said I was fine . See Trent was nice he was for sure younger then me but we had a lot in common and I enjoyed his company . I didn't actually realise 1 hour had gone by and I was completely lost in Trents words . And sadly I had to go because I had to pick up the kids from school . As I explained he gave me a tight hug and walked in the complete different direction . With that I speed walked home making sure I wasn't late to pick my kids up (thankfully I wasn't otherwise I wouldn't of heard the end of it ) .

As I got home I noticed the door was unlocked but yet I did lock it until I realised Alex's car was in the drive . And here we go again. As soon as I got through the door I told the kids to go upstairs and play as we made a room full of toys for the two . Until I was met by Alex's sad , angry and confused face .

I didn't even take my shoes off before I asked him in a sharp tone what he was doing . He said he came to apologise from the recent events and arguments that he had caused and that he would change . I thought different to be honest I thought he became drunken mess who didn't care anyone and that his main priority was to party . We argued and disagreed about many things and I didn't know if I trusted Alex . In my eyes he used to be perfect and all I could ever ask for but now I didn't even like his company .

I was about to ask him to leave as I still needed to think I let him go see the kids as I started making dinner for me and those two I didn't bother with Alex . Until the weather said different it started thunder and lighting with heavy rain it was windy . Really my worst nightmare . Which everyone knew about . So now Alex had to stay which he seemed happy to but I was NOT sharing a bed with him . No no but I did make him dinner and we all watched a movie with the kids and It felt like we were a family again .

I wasn't going to tell the kids about what was happening with my and Alex as they would just get scared and sad so I pretended I was alright like I always did because I kept my feelings bottled up .
As I was settling the kids into bed reading them a story and even sang a lullaby I got changed and headed back down stairs . Where Alex was just sat uncomfortablely it's like he had never been to this house let alone this was ours . It was awkward between us as I haven't decided what I was going to do . Because Alex and I were married I wouldn't divorce him but it got me down . As what married man goes out and dosent come home and that was my problem . We just sat and watched a film I wasn't even paying attention as I was just thinking about everything that has happened . Until the film finished we were both tired and had to discuss the sleeping situation

Hey guys sorry I didn't write for so long I was so busy with school work , I hope everyone's liking the book and the new story line . Keep voting and comment what you want to happen next .
Be kind to other and stay safe xxx

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