Chapter 2

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{ Draco Pov. }

Did I just really say that !? Oh well ...

" W-what ? "

Potter asked, very confused .

" You heard right ... I wanted to apologize for everything . I've been a jerk for past years ... "

" W-well ... I-I am so-sorry too ... "

I looked at him . He is saying sorry to me ? I didn't expect that . I thought that he would laugh at me . But this ? Well I shouldn't be surprised . After all I saw today .

I guess I zoned out for a little 'cause next thing I knew , Pot-Harry was waving his hand in front of me .

" Huh ? Oh , sorry . I lost my train of thoughts there . "

" T-that's okay . S-so that m-means we ar-re on g-hood t-terms n-now ? "

He asked me , almost whispering .

" Of course ! Well since you are sitting alone , what about you will sit with me and my friends ? "

I really hoped he would say yes . I wanted to start over . And I am sure that Pansy and Blaise will like him too .

" Um ... R-really ? I d-don't want t-to bother y-you . "

" Nah , I am sure you won't be a bother . C'mon ! "

I was as excited as a five years old kid after a trip to the Zoo . Well , who wouldn't be excited . I just made a truce with my arch enemy ! I dragged him by his arm to the compartment where Blaise and Pansy were sitting . In fact , standing and yelling at each other .

I opened the door and then heard this :


All Pansy . Wonder what is this all about . I turned around and saw Harry flinch .

" Could you two shut the hell up !? "

I yelled at my friends , but not too loud trying not to scare Harry . Both of them looked at me confused .

" What !? I was just - ... Is that ... Potter ? "

Pansy asked, looking at the boy .

" H-hi ." Said Harry with a small smile .

" Hi dear ! Draco , can I speak to you ? Alone ? "

I nodded my head and told Harry to sit with Blaise . He did just like I told him and closed the door behind him .

" What - the - hell are you doing ? "

Pansy asked as she crossed her arms on her chest .

" What do you mean ? "

" Ugh Draco ! Don't play stupid ! You know exactly what I am talking about ! "

" I just thought that me and him could be friends ! Is it something bad ? "

" Why so sudden ? "

" Because ... I don't know ! I walked into compartment , which I thought was empty , and then I saw him . You saw what he looked like . He is way to much skinny and his eyes - "

I stopped there . His eyes . His beautiful , emerald green eyes . This spark in them . Everytime he was happy , sad , angry or even shocked this spark showed up . And now , it is gone . Now those eyes full of love , passion , bravery , happiness and most important life were empty . Like there wasn't any hope .

" Draco ? "

" Listen Pans . I know me and Potter don't have wonderful past , but I just felt like I needed to do it . Apologize to him . And if you don't understand it then - "

" Dray , I understand . I just wanted to know if you aren't making some sort of prank on him . "

I smiled at her and we both went to the compartment .

{ Blaise Pov. }

Potter sat in front of me and pull his knees to his chest . He was way different than I remember him last year .

" You alright ? "

" Huh ? Oh , y-yeach . T-thanks f-for asking . "

" So - you and Draco are friends

now ? "

" W-well , I w-wouldn't call u-us friends . I-it's more l-like we f-finally g-gave up on o-our r-rivally ."

Yeach right . I am for sure gonna believe that .

" Draco cares for you . It's obvious . "

" Really ? "

I looked at him with a smirk on my face .

" Definitely . And I am sure you two will be best friends soon ."

He smiled at me and looked out of the window .

" I was always curious over one thing . "

" Hm ? W-what is it ? "

" Well Draco never told me how your rivalry started . And I was thinking maybe - "

" M-maybe I could tell you ? S-sure why not ! "

{ Pansy Pov. }

I opened the door and heard laughing . I looked at the two boys almost dying from laughing .

" W- wait ! How did he say that !? "

" Oh... Ehem ...

This is Crab and this is Goyle . And I am Malfoy . Draco Malfoy . "

" Oh my ! "

They both started laughing again and I couldn't stop myself as well .

" Achem ! "

We all stopped . I turned around and saw no one other than Draco . I totally forgot that he was walking with me .

" H-hi Dray "

Blaise said shaking from fear . Draco looked at all of us . Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath .

" I think I can tell the wrong sort of myself , thanks "

I couldn't hold anymore . I burst out laughing . He was mocking Potter so well !

" Hey ! "

" Payback . "

We all started laughing again . We took our seats . Harry was sitting next to me , Draco and Blaise in front of us . We started talking about school and Harry seemed very quiet to me .

" Are you okay ? "

" Yes ... Don't worry ... "

" Hey listen- "

" HARRY ?! "

All four of us looked at the door . There stands the person I really dislike .

" Weaslette ... "

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