Chapter 41

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{ 3rd Persons Pov. }

Harry walked into sale and all eyes were on him . He blushed lightly and smiled . He was wearing long white dress with a bit of glitter on the top of it . Small flowers at the bottom of the dress . A veil with decorations of dendalions and few lilys on his head .

He was holding bouquet of yellow roses . He looked amazing .

" Wow ... You got a good eye to boys . "
" Shut up Blaise . "
Draco and his both best mates laughed . Finally Harry walked and stand in front of Draco .

" You look beaitifull angel ... "
" Thank you ... You look amazing too ..."
" I know that . "
Draco winked at Harry and they both giglled .

( Time skip , aftet the long borring as hell talking  ( Ps.: Don't thank me ))

" So , Draco Lucius Malfoy . Do you take Harry James Potter as your husband and promise to be with him in good and bad , health and sickness , and live with him till the death tear you apart ? "

" Yes , I do . "

" Harry James Potter . Do you take Draco Lucius Malfoy as your husband and promise to be with him in good and bad , health and sickness , and live with him till the death tear you apart ? "

" Yes I do . "

" I can happily say that you're husband and husband from now on . You can kiss . "

Draco and Harry smiled and turned to eachother . Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist , as Harry's wrapped his arms around Draco's neck . They kissed and all people who was in there started chering .

They pulled apart and looked eachother in the eyes .
" I love you Dray . "
" I love you Harry . "

( Time skip , at the party )

Harry had Lily in his arms and was chatting with his friends . Draco was drinking a litlle with Chris and totaly drunk Blaise . 

" Draco ! "
Draco turned around and saw his mother with her hand on her hip .
" What do you think you're doing ? "
" Um... Drinking with my ... friends ..?"
" I see , I am not blind . Do you want to leave Harry to take care of everything !? Plus he has a baby on his arms ! "
" Oh shit ... I forgot . Okay guys , enough drinking . "
" Defnetly . Look at Blaise . "

Chris said and pointed at his friend .
" W-wHAt~? mE~? i aM NoT dRUnK~!"
" Yeah sure , and I am the queen of England . "
Said Draco mocking him .
" ReAlLy~? yOuR MaJEstY~ "
Blaise said and waved his hand at Draco . Two friends laughed at Blaise and couldn't stop .

" What's so funny ? "
Draco and Chris turned around and saw Harry with a smile on his face and baby in his arms .
" Blaise got drunk and is acting weird . "

Harry rolled his eyes and Lily giglled and pointed at Blaise .
" Ucwe Bwaiz ! D... Dwonk ! "
Harry started laughing and Draco chuckled at his cuteness .
" Yes you're right baby . Uncle Blaise is drunk . "
" Papa ! "
" You want your papa to carry you . "

Lily nooded and reached her hands for Draco . Draco smiled and took her from Harry . The boy sighed and sat in the couch .

" You're not talking with girls ? "
" I can't talk with boys now ? If I am wearing a dress it doesn't mean I am not a boy . "
" Yeah . Sure~ "
" Draco . If I were you I wouldn't make me mad in the day like that . "

Draco gulped and nooded . Harry smiled and stood back up .
" Well , why don't we go and dance and Chris will take care of Lily ? Hm ?"
" Sure hunny . Chris would- "
" No worries Draco . Give me that smol cute bean . "

Chris took Lily and tickled her a litlle . Lily laughed and hugged his neck .
" Aw~ They're so cute~ "
" Not as cute as you~ "
" Draco I swear . One more word and you'll be swimming in that lake over there . "

Harry pointed to lake wich was outside the building . You could get there easily trought the terrace .
" Now c'mon ! "
Draco giglled and they both went to the middle of the wedding hall . Draco held Harry by his waist and Harry put his arms around Draco's neck .

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
to fall
But watching you stand
All of my doubt
suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take
What's standing in front
of me
Every breath,
every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Draco looked at Harry . He had his head on Draco's arm . His eyes closed .
" I love you . "
" I love you too . "

( Time skip , after party )

" When I was a litlle girl
my momma said to me
' what's your favourite flower sweetie ?
I'll get you a seed .'
I said
' Dendalion dendalion
this one's so pretty '
She said ' child that one's not a flower . That one's just a weed . ' "

Harry was sitting on the rock , next to lake , a flower in his hand . Fireflies were flying around and the night sky was clear . Harry was singing thinking about his parents . Lily was with Draco parents at the manor caue she was sleepy .

" Your voice is amazing like allways . "
" Thank hunny ... "
" Why dendalion ? "
" Well ... My mom always liked lilies but I ... I prefer not so fancy flowers . One time at Hogwart , I saw a girl in forest . She was picking dendalions . I asked her why she was doing that . She said because they're just weeds and they can't be there with all beautifull flowers . That girl was very smiliar from look to my mom so ... I kinda wrote a song like that . "
" That's understandble . "

Draco sit down next to Harry and hugged him .
" Can you belive that we are finally together ? "
" Not at all ... It all seems like a beautifull dream ... "
" Maybe a part of it was a nightmare bit who cares . "

Both boys laughed .
" Why did you took my name ? "
" Cause I wanted to . I don't have the reson to safe mine . "
" But Potter is such a famous last name ! "
" So will be Malfoy ... "

Draco kissed Harry's cheek .
" It will for sure ... With you ... In my family ... "
" I am in your family ... "

" And that's why I am the happiest person in the world . "

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