Chapter 31

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{ 3rd Persons Pov. }

" So ... Draco , how is your realtionship with Harry ? "
" 'Cissa , give him some space . I am sure that they're fine . "
" It's fine dad . Me and Harry get even closer . But , to be honest , he has some weird mood swings . "
" Mood swings ? What do you mean ?"

Draco sighed and chuckles to himself as he remembered all times that Harry was yelling at him for nothing or crying over little things like , he didn't do his homework .

" Well , he is very emotional for the last two weeks . One time he's happy and all and then , in one second , he is angry at all world . "

Narcissa thought for a moment . Then she asked Draco a question .
" Does he vomit in the morning ? "
" Huh ? How did you know ? Sometimes yeah . And he has pretty good appetite wich I am happy about cause he is really skiny . "

Mrs. Malfoy smiled to herself and looked at her husband with a smirk .
" Honey , I'll go talk to girls . Could you please call house elfes for making dinner ? "
" Sure , I'll do it . "
" Thank you . "

Narcissa stood up and walked out of the livingroom . She walked up stairs and went staright to girls room . Sje knocked on theirs door .

" Yes ? Oh ! Mrs. Malfoy , come in ! "
" Thank you Milly . "
The girl smiled and let women in . All girls stopped talking and looled her way .
" Do you need something miss ? "
" Don't call me miss dear . Call me Narcissa . "
" Oh sorry . Come sit . "

Milly leades Narcissa to one of the couches in the room and sitted next to her .
" So , what do you need ? "
" Well , I know you girls know something that I don't . "

All girls looked cofused .
" About Harry and Draco ... "
" Oh ... What exatcly ? "
" I want to know if they slept with eachother . "
" In fact , yes they did . And we think that Harry is- "
" Pregnant ? Yeah , I think so too . We need to tell Draco that . Don't you think ? "

The girls nooded .
" So what are we waiting for ?! "
Narcissa happily stood up and went to doors . Girls smiled amd followed her .

{ Draco Pov. }

" So , what all of you wanted to exatcly tell me ? "
My mom and my friends smiled . I was pretty scared , beacuse I was alone in room with five girls and my mom .

" Well , we saw that Harry is acting difderently and you two made love two weeks ago , so ...."
" So ? "

They all shouted . I looked at them dumbfounded . Harry , pregnant ? Is it even posible ? It isn't . Or it is ?

" Hold on hold on . You have any proves ? "
" Harry has mood swings . "
" And he has morning sickness . "
" He also has big apetite . "
" So we figured it out pretty fast . "

I didn't know whay to say . I wasn't sure about if he was pregnant or not but , I was ... Happy ? My heart was beating faster and I couldn't help but smiled .

" R-really ? Are you serious ? "
" Yeah , we think so ... But he'll need to take test to make sure about that . "
" Where can I get one of those ? "
" I can help with it . I am sure that I might have one in my bathroom . "
" Thank you mom ! Really thank you ! But wait , Harry doesn't know about that . Does he ? "

Milly shook her head no and patted my shoulder .
" You'll tell him to take this test . "
" Me ?! He'll think I am stupid ! He is more likely to listen to you , not me . "
" Oh c'mon Dray . You're his  boyfriend " 

I shighed and nooded slowly . As the time passed my mom came back with small box . She handed it to me and smilled . I thanked her and walked out of her room . I slowly made my way to Harry's room . I stopped in front of his door and raised my hand to knock . I took deep breath and knocked .

" Yes ? Oh Dray ! Great , I wanted to talk to you . "
Ha grabbed my shoulder and pushed me into his room .
" Okay , listen . I ... I think I might be pregnant ... Please don't yell ! "
He said quickly and covered his face with his hands .

I smiled and hugged him . I could tell he was schocked by my actions but soon he realxes to my touch .
" Harry love , I would never yell at you ... I love you ... Besides , girls figured it out and wanted me to ask you to take this ... "

I pulled out a small box . He looked at me and then at the object in my hand . He took it and looked at me with fear in his eyes .

" D-dray ... B-but what if it's positive ?"
" Then I'll have a beautifull family along with the prettiest baby in the world . "
I said and kissed the top of his head . He hugged thigtly and hid his face in my chest .
" I am scared . I am still young ... "
" Harry don't worry ... We are not even sure if you are pregnant . So please , go and check . "

He slowly nooded and made his way to the bathroom . I really hoped that test would be positive . I allways wanted to have baby with him .

If he would be pregnant I would need to marry him now . Not that I'm not happy about it . I wanted to purpose to him but not so soon after school . I thought about spring or time like that .

But that really doesn't matter . I want to be with him . I want to marry him and have kids with him . I couldn't be happier if it turns out that he really is pregnant .

I walked around the room nervous . He was in bathroom for good 15 minutes allready and I was starting to get worried . Does it take that long ? Finaly I heard door open . But not the one that I expected .

" Harry ? Oh , it's you Draco . "
" Dad ? What do you need ? "
" Well I wanted to give Harry something but simce he is not there . "
" What is is ? "
" I think it's a bit personal . "
" Dad , I am his boyfriend . I'll give it to him . "

My father sighed and pulles out small box . Is this ...
" Pregnancy test ? Why you have that ? "
" Well me and Harry talked a bit after you and Narcissa walked out of the livingroom . She to girls and you to Blaise . Harry told me that he is felling different . I asked him why and he didn't know . He said that he is way more emotional then he was and he's hungry all the time . I may listened to your's and Narcissa's talk so I said that Narcissa was acting similar when she was pregnant . "

Now I know how Harry started thinking he's pregnant . Dad ...
" Well , no need to . Girls figured it out bit before you and ... Well , he is taking pregnancy test right now . "
" Really ? Oh ! Then I'll go , say how it went . "

I laughed as my dad stormed out of the bathroom . Okay . What Harry is doing in there so long ?!

{ Harry Pov. }

I was so nervous . I couldn't do it . I sitted on the floor test in my hands . No Harry ! You need to do it . If you're gonna have a baby then it's fine . Dray loves you and he won't leave you , right ?

A single tear rolled down my cheek . Why I am such a crybaby ? I stood up . I am gonna do it .

( 10 minutes later . )
I was waiting for ten minutes now . It should be done , right ? I slowly made my way to sink where I put the test . I took in my hands ...

{ Draco Pov. }

Okay he has been there for 30 minutes ! I swear if something happenes to him then-

My thoughts were cut of my door opening . I looked around and saw Harry . He was holding the test in his hands and he was crying . I run to him and hugged him . I pulled away and saw that he was still crying but ... He wasn't sad ... At least I think ...

" Bunny ... What's wrong ..? "
" N-nothing D-dray . "
" Then why are you crying ? "
" These are happy tears Dray . "

I backed a litlle . My heart was beating so quick . Happy tears ..? Does that means ..?

" It's positive Dray ... "

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