The Beginning

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Sydney Evans was relaxing in her room on an ordinary July morning when she received something that she has been looking forward to. Her Hogwarts letter. She heard something rattle behind her, so she turned around and there it was. The best time of her life has just begun.

She sprinted downstairs to show the letter to her parents who are proud Hufflepuffs just like the rest of her family.


"Goodbye sweetheart, please write us every day" My mother begged while still being overly emotional over me leaving. "Yeah or we will go crazy missing you" My dad added.

"I promise, I love you" I said while hugging them as tightly as possible.

Moments later I was tearily waiving my parent's goodbye from the stuffy train that was just about to set off to a whole new world.


The train was crowded and really hot but I managed to find a cabin that had a few empty seats, but there were a few people inside. There was a beautiful girl with thick red hair and two boys sitting across from her.

"Hello, are these seats taken?" I asked while slowly taking off my coat and preparing to take a seat next to the girl.

"They are not, I am Hermione, Hermione Granger. These are Harry Potter and Ron Wesley" Hermione explained while pointing at the boys sitting across from her.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Sydney Evans"

The rest of the ride was really fun. The four of us chatted almost the whole ride.... or at least Harry, Hermione and I did because Ronald's mouth was stuffed with candy pretty much the whole time.

After some time I opened the window and pushed my head through it. While the wind was breezing through my thick black hair. I could smell it in the air, we were almost there.


"I'm so nervous, aren't you?" Hermione cried while we were standing in line to get sorted into our houses.

"I'm not because my whole family line are pure Hufflepuffs, so I know what I'll be"
"Syd!" someone yelled from the back of the line, but I didn't see who it was, so I just ignored it.

"Hey peanut over here!"

This time I knew exactly who it was.

"Cedric!" I yelled while running towards him and jumped into his arms.

"Come I want you to meet someone" I said after I grabbed his hand and lead him towards Hermione. "Hermione this is my best friend Cedric Diggory, Cedric this is Hermione Granger"


I watched Harry, Hermione and Ron get placed into Gryffindor together.

"Sydney Evans"

I rushed towards the sorting hat as I felt all eyes in the dining hall were watching me. I suddenly got goosebumps and felt really nervous. I sat down in the chair as Dumbledore put the hat on my head.

"Hmm," a voice spoke into my ear "Interesting, very interesting. You are very intelligent and loyal, perfect for Hufflepuff...but.." BUT?! I started panicking because I knew that nothing else would satisfy my family "but there is something more, much more to your mind. A little dark perhaps which is telling me you would be perfect in..."

It felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I stopped breathing as the hat paused. And then yelled:



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