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The next thing I knew I was on the dance floor, in Draco's arms, dancing to a beautiful slow song. He was holding me so tightly I could smell his cologne. It smelt like bergamot and peppers with a hint of sweet, dewy citrus. I adored it. I could feel the heat from his soft, warm hands slowly shift into mine. It was absolutely magical. We danced for the rest of the night. After the slow song came another one, and then another and then like a million more fun and energetic songs.


"Thank you, for pulling me to that dance floor. I really had fun" I told him as we stopped in front of my dorm room.

"Yeah, I had fun too." he gushed "I better go before Pansy gets the wrong idea" He added as we were standing in the middle on my dorm

"She isn't my roommate anymore, she transferred like a month ago"

"Oh, well who's your new roommate?"

"Ughh, no one actually. She spread this rumor about me and let's just say that there weren't many volunteers to take her place"

"What kind of a rumor?"

"One that's not worth repeating"

"Well anyway, good night" I added as I put my jacked on the bed

I saw him out the door. As I closed the door I leaned my back onto it and started laughing. Smiling, laughing, blushing and everything in between. I was happy again. I couldn't believe it but I was actually happy.

I got ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door.

"Just a second" I shouted from the bathroom

I got dressed in a few second and went to open the door.

"What are you doing here" I said as I looked at Pansy standing on the other side if the door

"I just wanted to check up on you, and well you know your social life" she hissed through her teeth with the biggest smile on her face

"Well I was just about to go to slee- "I was saying as she intentionally bumped into me and came into my room

"Sleep..." I whispered as I rolled my eyes and closed the door

"Lets get right to the point Evans" she yelled

I just looked at her with a confused look on my face.

"Listen sweety, I know you're dating Draco and I just with you could stop because it really hurts my feeling" she hissed and started fake crying

Crying?! God I knew she could be dramatic but this, it just made me sick.

"I am not dating Draco and frankly even if I was I really wouldn't care if it hurt your feelings, sweetie" I added

She just stood there. Looking at me with pure anger and range on her face. I could tell that she was doing that on purpose, trying to scare me and for a moment she succeeded. Thankfully only for a moment because if I showed her any emotion other than bravery I honestly feel like she would have killed me.

She bumped into me again and left. I had a really sick feeling in my stomach, I can't explain it I just felt like something was really wrong. I locked my door and went to sleep.


"How was it" Hermione whispered as we were walking to class

"It was amazing, and I know it not ideal considering what his family and he himself did to you, but I promise you we are just friends"

"If you say so" she said while looking down. "But for the record, if you're happy, I'm happy" she smiled


Harry has been really distracted the whole week. He's not talking about it with me or Hermione. I'm really worried about him but I'm positive he will figure it out. He always does.


"So what did you do today?" I asked Lily as I was brushing her hair

"I went to class, I made some new friends, I played with Draco- "

"Back up, what did you do with Draco"

"Well I needed help with my potions Homework, and I couldn't find you so..."

I wasn't mad, I was surprised. I have never seen Draco help anyone with anything let along help a first year Hufflepuff with her potion's homework. I knew he was smart, he was second in every class, coming right after Hermione who was first. He was very intelligent, everyone knew that, but he just wasn't a very "let me help with your homework" type of a person.

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