Chapter One

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Say something, I'm giving up on you

Your heart dropped, seeing at your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, with tears in your eyes. "W-What...?" You choked out, feeling a lump from in your throat. Why did he say that? Why is he ending your relationship with him? What did you do wrong? What are you doing wrong? Is it you or him?

"I'm breaking up with you, [Name]-chan." Oikawa said, a small smile on his face and he looked down. Why are you ending our relationship? Why are you ending things between us? "Goodbye, [Name]."

You watched Oikawa walk away from you, wearing his volleyball jacket and tears rolled down your cheeks. Why are you leaving me? Why did you smile when you said that? Why are you hurting me?

You open your mouth to say something, but nothing came out besides a choked sobbed. You didn't realize you held out your hand and you brought your reached out hand to your chest. Is it because you're in different schools? Did he not trust you enough? You hugged yourself, falling to the ground and hunching over, letting out sobs and cries.

'Why are you leaving me after 4 years?' You thought, holding your shaking shoulders and gritting your teeth.

You and Oikawa started dating in your last year in junior, both of you ended up going to different high schools, but that didn't effect your relationship. He always come over or pick you up, both of you walking to either yours or his house and just watching movies and cuddling on the couch. Did he stop loving you?

A gasp left your lips, your eyes widening in realization and more tears rolled down your cheeks excessively. You felt your heart break into little pieces, you covered your mouth with your hand to hold in your cries, but that resulted in you biting your lip too deep and causing blood to come out. Maybe that's why he broke up with you? Maybe he's gotten tired of seeing you, being with you, kissing and hugging you? Why does it hurt so much to have the one you love hurt you like this? Why are there so many thoughts going through your mind?

A male student turned a corner, seeing a girl with [Hair Length] [Hair Color] hair and a uniform that's not from Aobajousai's, but from Karasuno. The male's eyes widen, recognizing the female student and he walked towards her, crouching down. The male placed a hand on her back, hearing her sobs and the girl turned around.

"Iwa?" The girl asked, staring up at Iwaizumi Hajime and the boy frowned. The girl's eyes are red and puffy, cheeks stained with salty tears and her bangs slightly messed up.

"I'm here, [Name]," Iwaizumi whispered, opening his arms for the 3rd year student. [Name] didn't hesitate, she jumped into his arms and clutched onto his volleyball jacket. He's the only one that will let [Name] call him by Iwa, but not the -chan to it. Iwaizumi never seen this side of her, he knows why she's like that and there's only reason why she's a crying mess at the moment.

"I'm sorry, [Name]."

I'll be the one if you want me to

You hugged your pillow to your chest, curling up and letting the tears fall. Your bedroom dark and cold, but you couldn't feel the coldness of your room. You just couldn't feel... Well, nothing. You didn't go to school for three days, one of your friends from the volleyball club had to bring your homework to your home. All you want is to just disappear, be by yourself and leave yourself to your thoughts. Did Oikawa send any signs or signals that he wanted to break up with you? You don't remember, he acted normally like he usually does. Perhaps, there's someone else that you didn't know. Oh, that hurts even more.

You did your job good. Always giving him support, making his gloomy days brighter and more joyful. Watching him during his practice and even official games. Comforting him when he lost to Ushijima and giving him lots of attention on those days. Helping him with his studies even though both of you would distract each other. You made him home meals for him. When he fell asleep and he'd place his head in your lap, you'd run your hand through his brown locks and see a smile on his face.

Say Something, Please [Kuroo X Reader X Oikawa]Where stories live. Discover now