Oikawa's & Kuroo's Ending

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You know that choosing both of them is frowned upon. Having two partners? Your mother would be happy since she likes both of them. But what would the world, society, your friends think? That you're a whore for having two boyfriends? Your friends would what you happy, and if they're not your real friends then they can be sacrificed to Satan for all I care. Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi told you that you should follow your heart, and you're doing that. Kuroo and Oikawa don't have to like each other, but they do like you. You didn't want one of them to be alone and out the picture.

You know having two partners can cause a problem, but you'll get there when it happens. You want both of them. You need both of them. You don't wanna lose a childhood friend or the most amazing ex-boyfriend. Sure, they did hate each other, but most of the times they would act like 7 year olds and do the stupidest things with Bokuto with them. You love them, equally. You will give them love, equally. As long as you're happy, having two partners shouldn't really matter to others. You don't know what it's like to have two partners, but you will learn one day.

As long as you're happy, no one should have a problem. You know they both love you, that's why they glared at each other behind your back. That's why you hear their teammates talk about how their captains love you so much. You need to tell them, but Kuroo lives in Tokyo and it costs money to take the train here. You'll probably have to talk to them on the weekend about it. Hopefully, they'll accept. Hopefully, they wouldn't mind sharing you only between them two. As long as you don't get your heart broken.

You don't think you'll get heart broken because Kuroo's been in love with you since childhood and Oikawa only pays attention to you. Kuroo and Oikawa don't look at other girls, no matter what. They both respect you and admire you. Sure, Oikawa did break up with you, but the girls that he 'dated' weren't nothing compared to you and he only paid attention when needed. The only two things they love is you and volleyball. They're such volleyball idiots and so absorbed into volleyball. If you weren't involved, they'd probably marry volleyball.

So here you are, sitting in the living room and waiting for Kuroo and Oikawa to come over. You already know that Oikawa would be over first because he lives in the same town with you unlike Kuroo. It'll probably take an hour and a half for Kuroo to get to your house. You heard the doorbell ring, you stood up and walked to the front door. You opened the door, revealing Oikawa and Kuroo. You stepped aside to let them in and they walked over to the couch. You wonder why Kuroo got here at the same time Oikawa did.

"You wanted to talk to us," Kuroo said, watching you sit on the other couch. He's glad he asked if he can stay at Daichi's house and luckily, Daichi let him stay.

"Yes. It's about all of us," you mumbled, looking down at your lap. Oikawa and Kuroo glanced at each other, wondering if they over step their boundaries. "I know that you two love me and I love you, both of you." Kuroo and Oikawa let out a sigh, thinking that you wanted to break things off with them. "I can't decided between you two. So, I was wondering if you'll have a three way relationship?"

"Like all of us in a relationship?" Oikawa asked, raising an eyebrow and you gave him a curt nod. Will they reject you? Will they say that you have to choose between the two? Will-

"I don't see a problem in it," Kuroo said, shrugging his shoulders with a smirk on his face. "I mean, we both want you as your girlfriend."

"We can probably get along for your sake," Oikawa added, crossing his arms. If they get to be with you, then they could get along and put the past behind them.

"Really? You had me so worried," you said, letting out a sigh of relief. "What will your parents think? I mean, aren't you worried that people might think you're gay or bi?"

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