Oikawa's Ending

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You bought the tickets to get inside the building, running towards the stadium. Will Oikawa take you back? After everything that happened? You hope so. You apologized over your shoulder, bumping into people and you finally made it to the court. You ran to Aoba Johsai's side, seeing Oikawa hold the ball in his hands. You gripped the railing, all the players having their eyes on Oikawa and you cupped your mouth.

"Oikawa Tooru, I love you!!"

You scream echoed throughout the gym, everyone staring at you and Oikawa looked over his shoulder at you. You flashed him a smile, tears swelling in your eyes and a very blush on your cheeks. Oikawa felt his heart swell, almost feeling tears rise to his eyes, but he gave you a real smile, mouthing I love you to you. Oikawa went back to his game, serving the ball harder.

You leaned against the railing, a smile on your face as tears slid down your cheeks. He's the one you want. He's the one you want after going through a break up. You wonder what Kuroo will think. Will he be upset about your decision? If he does, you can't do anything because it's your choice. Oikawa's your Grand King and no one else's. If someone tries to take him away from you, you won't go down without a fight.

After the match, Aobo Johsai won, you ran down to meet up with the team. You notice Oikawa walking with Iwaizumi and you called out his name. Oikawa stopped in his tracks and opened his arms out for you.

"Tooru!" You sobbed, running over to him and jumping on him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, crying into the crook of his neck. Oikawa's arms wrapped around you, his body curving over yours and you heard a sniff come from him. "I love you. Only you."

"T-Thank you, [Name]-chan," Oikawa sobbed, tightening his arms around you.

He thought he'd lose you forever. He doesn't know how he'll function without you. He sobbed into your hair, letting out choked sobs. The team smiled, all of them leaving Oikawa and going to the gym. Not only did he win this match, but he won your heart once again. Oikawa pulled away, putting his hands on your cheeks.

You missed him staring at you this lovingly. You missed his warmth. You placed your hands on top of his, he wiped a tear that rolled down your cheek. He leaned down until his lips connected with yours and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. You don't want to be apart from him. Oikawa pulled away first, leaning his forehead against yours and you didn't notice that you've been gripping onto his jersey.

"Wait here. I need to go change and I'll take you somewhere," Oikawa said, pecking your forehead. You gave him a small nod.

You watched him jog off, a small smile on your face. This is what you missed. After a match, you'd give Oikawa a hug or a kiss even if he won or not. Seeing him off always makes you smile. If he lost to Ushijima, he'd walk with his shoulders higher after you gave him a kiss. 

A Few Minutes Later....

Oikawa held your hand, both of you walking in the dark. You had asked where Oikawa is taking you, but he refuses to tell you and change to the next topic. He seemed more happy than usual. You two walked up a hill, Oikawa pointed to the sky and your eyes widen, seeing the stars. "They're so beautiful."

"Yeah..." Oikawa breathed out, staring at you with a smile on his face. "They're beautiful."

You turned your head towards him, seeing him stare at you and you blushed. Oikawa chuckled, walking down the hill with you and holding your hand. You let out a small gasp, seeing a lake and the sky reflect off the lake. You notice a tree near the lake. Oikawa began taking off his clothes.

"To-Tooru! What are you doing!" You asked, looking the other way and you heard him chuckle. You felt arms wrap around you and a hand grasp your wrist, feeling breath tickle your skin.

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