Kuroo's Ending

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You finished getting off the train, continuing to run at a high pass and you had to stop yourself. You didn't know where Nekoma is playing. You grabbed your phone, going onto the website of Nekoma and going to the sports section. A smile spread across your face, you got the directions to the stadium. You took off running again, not slowing down your pace.

You can finally tell Kuroo. He might tease you after your confession, but you don't care. You're positive that you can do a long distance relationship. All your friends wanted you to fall for Kuroo. Even Tsukishima even though he doesn't really like Kuroo that much. You bought the ticket, running down the halls and finally making it to the stadium. You ran to Nekoma's side, seeing Kuroo be switched into the game. You cupped your mouth.

"Kuroo Tetsurou, I love you!"

Your sudden shout caught everyone's attention, the whole court falling silent. Kuroo smirked at you, mouthing I love you and he got onto the court. The players on Nekoma smiled, knowing that their plan with Karauno worked. Lev waved at you, earning a kick from Yaku about playing attention to the game. You leaned against the railing, keeping your eyes on Kuroo's form as he blocked the spike from the other team again and again. Kuroo would make that noise that him and Bokuto, Oya oya oya, when his spike or block would anger the other team.

Your childhood friend is just a tease. He's the only one you want. How could you be so blind? You may not see him on a daily basis, but that's fine with you. You trust him. You've always had. He trusts you of course, he has the Karasuno volleyball team to keep him update with you. He can help you with studies, most likely motivate you. You could probably surprise him when you go to his school like he did to you. Kuroo gets switched out again, you notice him talking to his coach and Kuroo jogs towards the exit.
You left the stadium, running down the stairs and a smile spread across your face, seeing Kuroo lean against the wall. Kuroo held out his arms for you, you ran over to him and jumped on him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his arms encase you and he tighten his arms around you. "I love you, Tetsu!"

"Love ya, too," Kuroo said, leaning his forehead against yours. He couldn't stop himself from smiling. Finally having you in his arms. He's out the friendzone. He's happy you chose him. If you didn't, things will probably be the same between you and him. He's positive that it'll still be the same between you and Kuroo, but including kisses and that stuff. Dating his childhood friend has always been his dream and it came true. "I need to go back, but wait for me here afterwards..."

"Of course," you said, he leaned down until his lips connected with yours.

He pulled away first, tousling your hair and jogging off towards somewhere. You would love to see Nekoma play, but the only chance you might get is when Karasuno plays against them. You probably might watch Nekoma play, but that means ditching Karasuno and you don't wanna do that to the team. A smile spread across your face, knowing that you don't have any regrets.

A Few Minutes Later....

Kuroo opened the door to his house, letting you walk in first and he closed the door after he got inside. You turned on the lights, guessing that Kuroo's parents aren't home. "I'm gonna go take a shower," Kuroo said, walking to his room and you nodded your head. You sat down on the couch, turning on the TV and you decided to continue watching Yuri on Ice!!!. You pulled your knees to your chest, watching the extremely wonderful anime.
After sometime, Kuroo came back and notice the anime on the TV. He raised an eyebrow, walking into the kitchen with a towel around his shoulders and wearing sweatpants.

"There's food if you're hungry."

You turned around, your eyes widening and you put a hand to cover your nose, not wanting Kuroo to see the blood that dripped down. Seeing him fresh out the shower, you always forget that Kuroo's tone. You turned your head back to the TV, covering your nose and mouth with both of your hands. You heard Kuroo chuckle, that famous shit-eating grin on his face.

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