Chapter Three

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And I will stumble and fall

You sat on Kenma's chair, playing a computer game called Undertale while Kenma sat on his bed with his gameboy in his hands and staring intently at the game console. You let out a small laugh, wiping the tears that are falling freely from your eyes and Kenma looked up at his game to stare at you. Seeing you cry made Kenma feel uncomfortable, not knowing how to comfort you and he decided to speak up.


"Y-Yeah?" You asked, wiping your tears away with the sleeves of your sweater and sniffling.

"Are you okay?" Kenma asked, knowing it's very stupid asking someone if they're okay, but it's just what humans do.

"Of course! I made mistakes in the relationship, but you know what? Life is just a learning experience, right?" You asked, turning your head towards Kenma and his eyes widen. Kenma never seen this new expression. Your cheeks stained with tears still running freely down your cheeks and a closed smile with your head tilted to the side. Kenma nodded his head, you let you a small laugh. "Well, I guess I'm still learning then."


"Yeah, Kenma?"

"You just died to Undyne..."

"No!! It took me forever to get that far!!" You whined, slamming your head on the desk after seeing the screen saying 'Game over!' and Kenma let out small chuckle. You lost count of how many times you lost to Undyne and you're playing the pacifist route too. You couldn't handle doing the Genocide route, it would hurt your little heart even more. "Why is Undyne so difficult?"

"You're supposed to go to the Hotlands, [Name]. Besides, Sans is the hardest to kill," Kenma said, flashing you a small smile then he returned to his game. That's right, Kenma played all the routes and he played the Genocide route when you were over his house, you wished he didn't though. "Forget about the fight and get to the Hotlands."

You nodded your head, pressing the 'Continue' button and you heard the door open of Kenma's room. You didn't bother looking, already knowing that it's Kuroo because he came over once you told him that you're hanging out with Kenma. Kuroo looked over your shoulder, leaning against the chair and watching the character, Frisk, run away from Undyne.

You got up early to catch a bus/train to Tokyo and you're lucky you did, but you woke up Kenma really early when you showed up. He was confused at first, but remembered that you're coming over to his house to hangout for the day. Plus you didn't want Kuroo to keep wasting his money on the fee of taking the bus/train to Miyagi Prefecture, Torono Town.

"What did you name your character, [Name]-chan?" Kuroo asked, watching the character give a cup of water to Undyne in the Hotlands.

You blushed, only you and Kenma knew the name you gave the character, and you didn't want Kuroo to know because he'll tease you about it.

"Did you give the character a name?"

You nodded your head, your blush deepening and Kuroo raised an eyebrow, a sly smirk on his face.

"Then, what is it?"

"Tetsu..." You whispered, feeling a hand on your head and you turned your head, seeing Kuroo's face close to yours. Your eyes widen, realizing that he knew all along! "You meanie!" You yelled, smacking his arm and Kuroo laughed, moving away and dodging your hits.

You sighed, pausing the game and you felt your phone vibrate, you turned towards your phone to see a text from your mom.

"Do you have to go home?" Kenma asked, getting off his bed and you nodded your head.

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