Chapter Four

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Say something, I'm giving up on you

You sat on your couch, Kuroo sitting next to you with his arms crossed and glaring at Oikawa who's on the couch diagonal from the middle couch. Oikawa narrowed his eyes at Kuroo, wondering why this bedhead captain is in your house while you're wearing his Nekoma volleyball jacket. You looked up at Oikawa, your legs crossed on the couch and your hands in your lap.

"What did you want to talk about, Oikawa?" You asked, catching Oikawa's attention.

What did he want to tell you? That he cheated on you? That he has more things that are negative about you?

"Yeah Trashyawa, what do you want to talk about?" Kuroo growled, glaring at Oikawa and you elbowed Kuroo in his side, getting a grunt from him.

You got Kuroo a glare, telling him to shut up and Kuroo crossed his arms, looking to the side and pouting.

"I rather have us talk in private," Oikawa said, shooting a glare towards Kuroo and Kuroo stuck out his tongue at Oikawa. Oikawa wants to tell you something important?

"Tetsu... Can you please?" You asked, turning your head towards Kuroo and he scowled, standing up and walking towards your room.

Kuroo mumbled curses words and some nonsense as he stomped to your room. He slammed the door closed and you let out a small sigh. Kuroo can be so childish sometimes.

"So, what did you want to tell me?"

Oikawa glanced down at his hands, staring at how his intertwined hands are joined and he let out a deep breath. Oikawa glanced up at you, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips in a small frown. You stood up from the middle couch, walking towards the couch Oikawa's sitting on and you sat next to him, placing your hands on his.

"Take your time, Tooru," you whispered.

You didn't understand why you decided to be nice to him. You have the choice to scream at him. To curse at him. To slap across the face. To point out all the bad things he said to you. But you decide to be nice and show him your kindness after all the things he put you through.

"[Name]..." Oikawa whispered, his eyes widen as he stared at you. Tears rose to Oikawa's eyes, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, crying on your shoulder. "I'm so sorry, [Name]! I didn't mean to say all those things I said! I didn't want to end our relationship! You didn't do anything! It was me!"

Your eyes widen, hearing the words that left Oikawa's mouth and you wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his back. Oikawa gripped onto the jacket you're wearing, his tears soaking your shirt. You felt happy. Knowing that it wasn't you in the relationship. That it wasn't your fault, but Oikawa's.

"Do you want to start over, [Name]-chan?" Oikawa asked, looking up at you with tears in his eyes. He wants to start over?


"Nope. If you want to be in a relationship with me Tooru then you're gonna have to try harder," you said, flashing Oikawa a smile and his eyes widen, he was about to open his mouth, but you stopped him. "I still love you, there's also someone who I'm starting to like."

Oikawa's eyes widen in fear. He doesn't want to lose you, but if he does, he can't do anything. Unknown to you two, Kuroo escape your room and stood in the kitchen with widen eyes. He smirked to himself and he threw his fist in the air, feeling proud of himself.

"Well, I should start making breakfast. Do you want to stay?" You asked, standing up and Oikawa nodded his head. You walked around the couch, seeing Kuroo stand in the kitchen with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "Didn't I tell you stay in the bedroom?"

Say Something, Please [Kuroo X Reader X Oikawa]Where stories live. Discover now