Chapter Two

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And I am feeling so small

You went to the practice match against Aoba Johsai and you wished you didn't show up. Watching and seeing Oikawa interact with a different girl crumbled you, breaking your heart even more. Once the match started, the girl cheered loudly for Oikawa and he flashed her a smile that he showed to you once. Every time Oikawa would serve and score a point, he'd flash the girl with a wink or a smile, like he used to do with you. Who knew, seeing the person you love do their antics that you adore and show them to a person that's not, would hurt you?

After the match, you stood outside the boys' locker room, all the players from Aoba Johsai flashing you a smile or a wave, even Iwaizumi patted your head and continued his way. You wanted to speak to Oikawa, talk to him and just ask him why. Why he wanted to end the relationship. Why he doesn't love you anymore after 4 years. You heard footsteps coming from the locker room, you turned your head to see Oikawa walk out with a smile on his face.

"T-Oikawa," you said, you corrected yourself from calling him by his first name, catching the boy's attention and his eyes widen in a fraction.

His mouth left agape, staring at you with slightly widen eyes and he had to stop himself from wrapping his arms around you.

"[Last Name]-chan," Oikawa whispered, turning his body towards you. Ouch, that hurt. He stopped calling you [Name]-chan or [Nick Name]-chan.

"Why did you break up with me?" You asked, tears rising to your eyes and you heard someone yell out Oikawa's name.

You looked over your shoulder, seeing the girl that's currently Oikawa's girlfriend. You watched the girl jump on Oikawa, wrapping her arms around him and pecking his cheek. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you forced yourself to look away from the couple.

"Do I need to answer that question?" Oikawa asked, smirking at you and his arm around the girl's waist. Your eyes widen, fearing to hear the words Oikawa's gonna say about you. "There's more fish in the sea, haven't you heard that phrase? I got tired of our relationship."

The words struck through your heart, almost hear your heart break into tinier pieces. You bit your lip, tears rolling down your cheeks and you stepped back. You looked down, walking away from the couple and keeping your head down. Guess all those thoughts running through your mind are true. He did get tired of the relationship. Of you. Of all those moments and memories you'd share with him. You glanced over your shoulder, seeing him walk away with the girl under his arm. You closed your eyes tightly, wishing the image of them disappeared from your mind, but it's burned inside your mind.

You let out a small yelp, hitting a hard chest and you stepped back, looking up to see Sugawara with his eyebrows scrunched. You looked to the side, not wanting to meet his gaze and Sugawara sighed, wrapping his arms around you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face in his chest and letting the tears run freely down your cheeks and escaping your eyes. Sugawara rubbed your back, holding the back of your head and he closed his eyes.

He wished he could have stepped in before you heard too much from Oikawa. He wanted you to be back to your old self like everyone else wished. He wished the break in your heart would come back together. He wish someone that wasn't like Oikawa would fill your heart and wouldn't just toss you to the side like that.

You felt so small, hearing those words from Oikawa made you question about you, him, and life altogether. Did Oikawa look at other girls while you two were on dates? Why couldn't you have notice these things if he did? What was it?!

Say Something, Please [Kuroo X Reader X Oikawa]Where stories live. Discover now