Chapter 9.

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"Are you sure about coming with me, I could have always dragged someone else or even go alone" Pidge asked with concern as she glanced to Lance beside her. Her Tomahawk tightly gripped in her right hand while her baseball bat stayed in its bag on her back ready to be pulled out if needed. Her hand size axe no longer with her but in a zombie head somewhere after a close call last year but her butterfly knife in he pocket still.

"Blue is my son and I love him more then anything else in the world, I want to protect him and keep him safe from this world. I have to try and help look for the calpol, I want to be able to help my son if things get worse. I hate thinking that Paulo could end up dying but I'll hate it more if blue was in the same boat" Lance sighed as he gripped his hand sickle a little tighter as he kept his eyes glaring at the road. His survival knife strapping on his belt ready to be used if needed.

"I know, its rough for us all. Hunk scared of losing Paulo after he lost Kelly and Shay scared of losing her son without having a chance to help him like she could have if we were facing a zombie. Romelle scared for her son just like you are and Matt trying to keep calm since Axel has a good immune system but he'll feel guilty if another child died still when his was so healthy. Keith trying to keep clam and act normal in hopes to try and help us feel a bit calmer. Then of course Krollia is still getting over the news of Acxa and upset over never meeting with Teddy since James went straight to the walls. Plus then Allura getting use to living without Coran around and Lotor still down over Acxa death, she was his friend and partner in crime during the end of the world. We all a mess right now but we gonna make it threw this all, just like we always do" Pidge replied with a slight smile as she glanced to the sky. 

"I know and your right, we'll get threw this one way or another but can I ask something" Lance spoke up as he glanced to Pidge unsure.

"Sure" Pidge smiled and turned her head to him.

"Who is Kelly, Hunk brings up the name and he cried over the name before but no one knows who it is. Well apart from you, Romelle and Krollia. I asked Shay but she has no clues, she guessed it was someone Hunk knew before he was captured by those guys and forced to cook for them. I asked Romelle and she teared up before having nightmares that night and I knew not to ever ask again. I tried asking Krollia but she walked away to be alone for some reason. I know to ask Hunk becuase well the look in his eyes whenever he says the name Kelly. So, I'm asking you, you only lower your head whenever you hear the name and close up until Shiro pulls you into a hug then your back to normal" Lance rambled a little nervously as he looked all over the place. 

"Paulo, is the youngest twin to Kelly who was born stillborn. But that wasn't the worse part, Kelly became a zombie, he was stillborn and came back to life as a zombie that I killed. Hunk asked to not tell Shay because losing her child was her biggest fear and it came true. We all made a silent agreement not to tell the others, everyone was happy over Paulo and we didn't want to ruin the happiness brought by him" Pidge confessed with a sadden smile and a pain look in her eyes as she stopped walking just looking at Lance who stopped with her. 

"Kelly and Paulo would have been twins" Lance muttered in horror and Pidge gave a weak nod.

"Listen lance, it was hard for those of us who knew about it to keep it a secret but it must stay that way. Not all of the group can handle the news, I mean look how Romelle and even Krollia acts after it" Pidge warned as she held part of Lance arm making it known how important this was.

"I won't tell, I know when to keep my mouth shut but thanks for telling me. I just wish I could have been there for you and Hunk when it happened" Lance smiled slightly as he placed his hand on Pidge shoulder.

"You were there for us, you were overjoyed by being an uncle to Paulo. You helped us more then you know just like everyone else did, becuase you guys could smile while we couldn't. It brighten us up more then you think" Pidge smiled and hugged lance who gladly hugged back.

"Now, lets go find that calpol and save the children" Lance cheered as he threw his free fist into the air, the other hand keeping a tight grip on his hand sickle handle. 

"Well maybe don't be so loud, we are close to the herd of zombies" Pidge smirked as Lance quickly froze before pulling his arm down.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea" Lance mumbled and Pidge held back a laugh as she nodded along. 

Partners In The End .2. (Shidge - Zombie apocalypse)Where stories live. Discover now