Chapter 16.

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"And why will you tell me. I lost the women I love while almost losing my daughter" James asked as he looked to the group who stood before him, people he hasn't seen for over a year now. 

"Becuase you've lost someone you love and almost lost your daughter with them. You've lived during this hell and yet your the only one who might still be fully human out of everyone we met" Shiro smiled gently as he stood holding Pidge hand. 

"Fully Human, I guess having a code might make close to being the only human left in this world. All you'll find is the dead and the surviving" James replied with a light laugh at being one of the last with morals.

"One day, our children will be dragged down the same path as us because of what we hold in our blood. They will walk as the first batch for the taking but we'll never tell them the truth, we've seen the cost of knowing" Pidge warned as she met with James eyes who gave her a calming look.

"Children, you'll two will have to screw each other first for that to happen" James joked as he crossed his arms while looking straight back at Pidge who smiled while the others chuckled.

"We sorry to do this but we going to need a guardian spirt for our children. We hate to admit it but one day we'll have to walk away and leave them behind to protect them from what we are" Keith asked with a soft smile as he stood with his arm around Matt waste, Matt arm around his shoulders.

"Guardian spirit, I'm not dead yet and I don't plan to be soon" James scoffed back as he glanced to Keith who playfully rolled his eyes. 

"May the dead is what will save the living" Matt offered with a slight smirk making James chuckle. 

"You've told me all this becuase your planning on sending them to me, don't you" James asked as looked to the sky.

"Not really, your the last person we want looking after our children if we vanish but if they decide to look for us, your name with be used and we'll let you to decided what to tell them" Hunk smiled with care as he let his hands rest by his side.

"The truth, after learning the truth myself I can promise telling them the truth is not the path to take. Look at you eight, look at what the truth has cost this world already. The truth dies without leaving my lips I promise" James replied as he raised an eyebrow, looking to them and noticing them smiling at him.

"We know, that what we hoping for you to do becuase we can never let them know the truth and only us nine knows it. The truth you will tell them is that we were infected, a promise to die by an old bungalow where a friend was buried long ago. I mean, its the truth is it not that we infected and well spending our last breaths at a place where we lost friends might not be so bad even if its cramped" Lance grinned as he met with James eyes, showing the loop hole he gave him to use in the future.

"What of your the others ... your girlfriends and Keith mom. Will they go with you or will they be able to lie to their children" James asked, testing the waters.

"They won't know about the truth meaning they will never lie, Romelle and Shay knew long ago that one day the eight of us will have to leave and never return and if they choose to follow then they will. For Krollia, she going to retire to an old cramped bungalow that held our buried friends and if she still waiting when we arrived we'll spend out last breath together" Allura answered with her head resting on Lotor shoulder, his arm around her mid back. 

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