Chapter 6

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The flight there was silent, but a comfortable silence. Sherlock was very aware of Jim's constant glancing over at him. It wasn't anything creepy, just him looking over. Looking to see if he would look back. The plane landed when Sherlock finally looked over. Jim smiled, and Sherlock for once...smiled back.



The man handing them their luggage was very polite, which was no coincidence. Jim threatened him. He wanted everything to be perfect for Sherlock, and he couldn't afford some slack off luggage guy making him upset. Unfortunately, when people's lives are in danger and they know it, they tend to act nervous, and Sherlock Holmes was not one to ignore people's nervous actions.

But surprisingly Sherlock didn't say a word to the man. Jim glanced over at him, to see if he was deducing. It wasn't hard to tell when he was, his stunning blue green eyes flicked back and forth and all over as he saw every last detail possible. Jim loved it. Yet when he looked over Sherlock, surprisingly, was looking at Jim. He wasn't deducing just looking at him.

"Ready to go darling?" Jim smiled.

"As I will ever be. Where are we going though?" Holmes was eager for details, that was obvious. He was still trying to find out exactly where they were going. "A hotel maybe?" He asked Jim.

"Perhaps, you'll have to wait and see." Jim chuckled and walked Sherlock to a small car and Jim got it the drivers seat, followed by Sherlock in the passengers. They left the airport and Jim decided to start conversation.

"You've never been to Ireland right?"


"Are you excited? To be on vacation I mean?"

"Actually..yes I am. I'm not sure if I should trust you yet but I am excited." Sherlock smiled out the window.

"Aw Sherly you can trust me. I'd never actually kill you, you know that right?"

Sherlock didn't respond for a while, he just looked out the window, Jim almost thought he didn't hear him but Sherlock spoke up before he could ask again. "Yeah I know."

Jim smiled a bit and turned into the driveway of the house.



Sherlock was surprised when Jim pulled into the driveway of this massive beach house. It must have been his families, because Jim had said before that he wouldn't live in Ireland again. That or it was someone he threatened like that luggage boy at the airport.

Either way Sherlock was ready to go in, to just go and be away from work for a while. Sherlock got out of the car first and retrieved his suitcase and Jim's from the back. Jim started to protest but gave up as soon as he realized Sherlock wasn't going to give in.

"Do you own this house?" Sherlock asked as they reached the front door.

"My parents do actually. It's a vacation home, that we never really use." Jim sounded irritated as if even mentioning his parents existence would make them appear. "But we're allowed to use it for the week." His half smirk formed on his lips again as it always did. Sherlock loved the little things like that, the tiny half smirks and ridiculous nicknames, it was rather cute.

"So why here? Is it because it's secluded? Easy to get away with murder...although you've never had a problem with getting away with murder." Sherlock half teased him.

"Well I can't tell you, that'd ruin all the fun!" Jim laughed and unlocked the door before proceeding to open it for Sherlock. "Besides this is a vacation. I don't kill on vacations."

Sherlock stepped inside and was astonished at first, but it quickly turned to confusion. The house was gorgeous, the view amazing, but the muscular and handsome man leaning against the kitchen counter was not something Sherlock had been expecting to see.

"Jim..who is-"

"Sebastian...?" Jim practically whispered. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Sorry baby." Sebastian purred. "I missed you too much."


A/n: Yay for updates!! I finally finished. Sorry if this chapter sucks a bit, i was trying to make a dramatic ending. But any who :) leave a comment or vote or both if I deserve it. It would mean a lot. I love all of you beautiful readers! I'll be "seeing" you soon.


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