Chapter 7

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There is some violent/ nasty stuff mentioned in this chapter, just so you know! Love you all




"Sebastian...?" Jim practically whispered. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Sorry baby." Sebastian purred. "I missed you too much."



Seeing Sebastian alive, and standing in front of Jim, in his own house made him feel sick. He had tried to have Sebastian killed almost a year ago. Now he was standing there in front of him asking to take him back. He almost couldn't speak, the words caught in his throat before they fully formed.

Moriarty became vaguely aware of Sherlock's frown, his confused, almost hurt look. The loss of words ended as quickly as it began, as his anger built up.

"What the fuck made you think you could show up here?!!" He yelled. "I wanted you dead!"

Sebastian only cocked an eyebrow. "You know that's not entirely true Jim. If you had wanted to kill me you would have sent someone serious." The tone in his voice was so calm it was almost frightening. But the more frightening thing...was that Moriarty knew that was true.

A year before Jim heard tales about Sherlock Holmes, Sebastian was the only ounce of sanity Jim had left...which wasn't much considering he killed people for a living. Jim thought Sebastian was all he would ever need, until the little white lies tore through the truth.

Lies... so many lies
All for nothing


Something stopped inside him, that voice cut through the rage. Just appeared in his head. He had appeared in Jim's life so suddenly too, it was just one of his murders, one that should have taken weeks to solve was done in two days. Then he heard his deep voice, saw his intense eyes, and curly hair. His cheekbones and tall body. Jim couldn't get enough of him. He was perfect. He is perfect. Jim wanted him all to himself.

"Jim." He said again. "Enough."

He's still in the room. Jim unconsciously dropped the knife that he didn't remember picking up. He looked across the room to Sherlock who he thought he was still standing next to at the doorway. "Yeah. Yeah, okay.." Jim backed up, and exhaled slowly. "Im done."

Sebastian looked completely in shock. Jim never controlled his anger. He never could, and suddenly he just...did. As if it was natural. Sherlock himself seemed surprised too, even though he merely told Jim to stop because he said he would go home early if he didn't. Now silence fell heavy in the room. No one knew what to say for what felt like the longest three minutes ever.

And Sebastian made the mistake of speaking first.



Trying to think of a way to explain to the 999 operator that some man just got his tongue cut off without actually explaining what happened was a very hard thing to do. There were absolutely no excuses that could cover it up. So Jim did the only "logical" thing and injected some kind of drug into his system that would make it seem like he was delusional and did it himself. And Sebastian surely wouldn't be telling anyone in person about it for a while.

They waited in awkward silence for the ambulance to arrive. The silence was often broken up by the agonizing groans from Sebastian. Sherlock was almost grateful for that, because he seriously couldn't think of anything to say.

When the paramedics arrived Jim had a brief but believable explanation of the made up events that happened. They didn't seem to care about what happened though, just that they needed him to stop bleeding. After they loaded Sebastian into the ambulance and drove him away Jim and Sherlock shared an uncomfortable glance. "Im sorry...for doing that." Jim mumbled.

"I know. Let's bring our bags in." Sherlock said and hoped the day would end better than it began.

Unfortunately though, the rest of the day was rather awkward as well. Jim and Sherlock spoke only when needed. Jim tried to protest when Sherlock said he wouldn't be eating any dinner but gave up shortly after starting. At some point late in the night Jim and Sherlock had been sitting on the couch in the living room, watching crap Telly, and Sherlock couldn't get comfortable, so naturally he turned and took up the entire couch, while using Jim's lap as a pillow. No words needed to be said at that point, and Sherlock was ready to forget about the tongue he had to pick up off the floor.



Waking up on the couch with a tall curly haired man wrapped around his body was pretty new to Jim. And of all people to be a cuddler, Jim didn't think Sherlock would be one of them. But here they were, pressed together, holding each other. It was...pleasant.

Then Jim remembered the plans he had made for their first full day in Ireland and excitement rushed through him. He checked the time and gently shook Sherlock's shoulder.

"Hey sleepy head. Get up." Jim whispered.

He only received a groan from Sherlock. "I'm taking you into town for shopping, we have to get up."

"I don't want to, groceries can wait." Sherlock complained"

"Not groceries, were shopping for fun."

"Fun is not a tangible thing Jim, therefore it cannot be bought."

"Ugh...we are shopping for things that could be fun." Jim laughed at how literally Sherlock could take things sometimes. "And it will be fun while shopping for things that could be fun."

"Okay..." He sighed out and finally opened his eyes.

Jim decided at that point, that this vacation was going to be worth it. He would make sure of it.

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