4. Caught

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By the time the Friday had rolled around Bakugo was ready to give up on his snooping. This girl has done nothing out of the ordinary all week, except become closer to Icyhot. Bakugo was drinking a protein shake that Kirishima made for him after their workout, when he decided to no longer expend anymore energy on the mystery of Round face. He decided to chill in bed scrolling on his phone reading the chaotic Bakusquad group chat. He glanced at the clock 21:00 a bit late for him but its a Friday night he could sleep a bit later then usual. He draws the curtains close but stops when he thinks he saw a figure small creeping across to the gate. Is it an intruder? He watches carefully and noticed when they got to the gate they floated... GOT HER! ITS FUCKING ROUND FACE  He was so glad to 'crack' the case he jumped up punching the air. He lost sight of her though but at least he would be prepared for next time. 

The next day Katsuki hung out in the common kitchen area just waiting for her. He saw a sleepy Ochako wander in still in her pajamas. He just watched as she wandered over and make a tea and contemplate if she should make breakfast. 
"Oi Round face. Come eat these muffins... Sato said anyone could eat them." Internally he felt his master plan coming in place... this simple girl is like a stray if you feed her she will trust you. Ochako face brightened and sat down grabbing a muffin and chomped down happily. 
"You look like shit... did you stay up late?"
"Yea a little bit."
"Really... what were you doing staying up so late?"
"Err just studying... "
"Oh what subjects? I mean if you need help I can help you..."
"Err its fine really no need to trouble yourself." She pauses mid bite of her muffin. "Are you ok Bakugo? You're being really nice today"
"What the fuck does that mean I'm always NICE" He yells at her.
She see's Sato walk and and she smiles and waves at him "Thank you for the muffins !"
Sato looks confused considering he just woke up himself. He just smiles and nods at Ochako before moving on, mostly because he was afraid of Bakugo in general. 
"Tck" Bakugo got up to storm off to train since it was obvious he wasn't going to get any more answers from Round face. 

Ochako is in awe over Todoroki's family home, it was like she stepped into the past with its traditional architecture and Japanese gardens.  
"Wow its soo fancy! and the tatami mats are so classy."
Shoto leads her to the kitchen where he has all the ingredients set up 
"I've already asked the maid to cook the rice." He says gesturing to the rice cooker. He's interrupted by his father entering the kitchen, his intimidating presence making Uraraka almost shake. 
"SHOTO! You have a girl over." He seems to be assessing Uraraka.
"Hello Mr. Endeavor I mean Todoroki Sama, I'm Uraraka  nice to meet you." She bobs in an awkward curtesy. 
Her name jolted his brain and his demeanor seemed to change it was almost friendly. 
"No need to formalities! You can call me Enji." He turns to Shoto "Make sure you take good care of Uraraka Chan" He says before he strides off, his chest puffed out proud. Uraraka looks at the heterochromatic eyed boy in utter confusion.
"Umm what just happened?"
"I've been trying to mend my relationship with my father recently, so have been responding to his daily texts where he asks how I am."
"Ok so what does that have to do with the weirdness?"
"When I injured my ankle I explained to him you beat me in a match... unfortunately I used your name..." Shoto pauses and sighs slightly exasperated. "I believe he is trying to woo you into becoming a Todoroki bride... just ignore him."
"WAH!" Uraraka jumps away from him. "But that I mean its soo... errr....I mean its so sudden and we're still in high school."
Todoroki pats Uraraka's hair "It's ok Uraraka calm down. He's just being crazy just ignore him. You're a very sweet and cheery girl, but I would never bring back here to be a Todoroki bride. I have no intention of ever bringing home a bride for him."
Uraraka wasn't sure if she was being complemented or insulted. 
"Oh ok Todoroki Kun... anyway lets start I'll show you how to cut the hot dogs."
Once they finish making the Bentos, Uraraka was getting her stuff getting ready to leave.
"You aren't coming with me?"
"Um where?"
"I was going to take these to have lunch with my mother at the facility she stays at. I thought you would join us for lunch."
Uraraka smiled since she was hungry and also curious about Todoroki's mother. 

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