21. Beatings

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Uraraka POV (2nd person)

You wake up with a pounding head Were you drugged or just knocked out . You gingerly rub the sore spot on your head while looking around. It looks like a typical prisoner set up, dark dingy room with a steel door, no windows but there is light steaming in from a sky light. On closer inspection you see metal bars across the skylight. You look next to you and silently curse. Why are you here Idiot. You try to crawl over to him but feel a tug on my feet from a shackle and chain
"Katsuki Katsuki." You hiss at his unconscious body. Idiot must have been what pushed you through the gate... If he's here who is going to save you now... You stretch with your legs and lightly kick his leg. 
"OI FUCK WHAT!" He startles as he lets of a blast instinctively against the ground. He looks around confused but his face softens when he his eyes meet yours. 
"Why are you here?" You question him. He was on the ground tasered how determined must he have been if he fought off being electrocuted. 
"What do you mean dumbass I came after you... You basically handed yourself over." He growls.
"Duh because I know your fiery ass would rescue me. If anyone would rescue me it would be you!"
You take his silence as him admitting he was wrong. After a little bit he shifts over so he can sit next to you. The chains are long enough that you can touch each other. Silently you reach out and hold his hand in that 'weird' way he thinks is cute.
"Only one entry point..."
"Yeah and a skylight... with bars over it... You might be able to blast get through."
They hear the door open and Night terror walks in.
"Good evening everyone I trust you had a sweet dreams." He saunters in with two additional goons. He turns to you. "You were very compliant. I take it your joining us?"
"Pfft like she'd join you two bit wannabe league of villains piece of shit."
"Oh Sir you wound me." The leader says holding his heart to his chest. "I must admit I do admire them though... especially their leader. His intentions were good just unfortunate his quirk is just a touch too destructive. I  mean really dust its just a bit too much,  oh I've been side tracked haven't I? So mistress will you join?"
"No." You bluntly reply, the way he waffles on really irks you.  
Terror looks at one of his goons. "Bring her here to sit next to me. Shoot her if she gives any trouble." He turns to face the two students. "These are real bullets this time."
The smaller or the two goons go towards you. You attempt to evade and fight him off but he grabs your hair and traces the muzzle of his gun along your face. The silent threat works and you stop struggling. He drags you by the hair to sit on the ground next to their leader. The entire time Katsuki is yelling at them to not touch you. 
"Ok we are going to beat your little boy toy there until you agree. If he fights back I'll shoot you." He says as he lazily points the gun at you.
"What no!"
"Then join."
You remain silent knowing you can't.
"Don't fucking give him the satisfaction Cheeks I AM FINE." He says at the two goons hit him. He blocks and laughs as they kick him. They stop after ten minutes as Night terror announced he was bored and they all left. You scurry back over to your boyfriend. 
"I'm sorry." You sob.
"Why I am fine Cheeks." He says as he runs his hand through your hair. "You think these pathetic weaklings can hurt me?"

The trio returned later in the evening obviously having brain stormed something. The two thugs grab  you and pull you away from the blonde pushing you against the wall across him. Their leader is standing near Bakugo. 
"Ok so new plan if you don't join or convince her to join, we will beat her. Maybe mark up her pretty skin a bit? We haven't decided yet."  The leader says to Bakugo as he puts his hand on his head making him look at you. You feel the first punch which wasn't as hard as you expected. You pull your arms up to block further attacks but they don't come instead you just hear screaming. You look up and see its Bakugo screaming angrily, his eyes look weird the pupils are completed dilated and his gaze although is in your general direction isn't at you. 
"Katsuki whats wrong! tell me!" Your words fall on deaf ears so you turn to the leader and snarl at him.  "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?

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