31. Aftermath

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The sterile smell of the hospital, the slow beep of monitors and the slow hissing of oxygen assaults Bakugo senses when he walks through the door of the hospital room. It had been 18 hours since he had seen her, held her. Eight teen hours since he cried unconsolably in public without caring who saw. He sat down on the visitors chair and just looked down at his knees, he felt like he was so close to breaking down again. He looked up and saw the police men that kept guard of the room, he looked over at her small hand decorated with a cuff that secured her to the bed. She was good, she was always too nice, she didn't have to chained down like an animal.  Fuck she texted him the location of their hit today. He had so many things he wanted to tell her... yell at at her... scream at her... kiss her. He walked over by her bed and stroked her hair softly, when no-one was looking he put one of the Sena blood pops in her her mouth, hoping it would melt in her mouth. His head snapped up when he heard the door slide open. He saw his red headed friend walk in, he must have gone home and showered because his hair hung down around his face. It looked like he had been crying a lot though his eyes were all red and puffy. 
"Hey man have you slept?"
Kirishima passed Bakugo a proteins bar since he probually hasn't eaten for a while.
"What did they say?"
"Surgery was successful just waiting for her to wake up. How's the kid?"
"Inconsolable.... it was hard watching him in the interrogation room... He kept crying for her, like a child crying for their mother." Kirishima took a bite out of his protein bar. "He eventually told us where the hideout was and I think they are organizing a raid, it might be happening right now honestly."
Both hero's sat in the sterile environment for a few hours not saying much. Bakugo ended up asleep in a chair near Uraraka. Their silence is broken by Kirishima's phone ringing he answers it before he puts it on loud speaker.
"Guys just updating you that we  managed to catch Night terror. From what it seems both Uraraka and the kid lived there, but we are trying to determine if they worked with him willingly."
"What do you mean?" Kirishima questioned.
"When they were gathering evidence from his office we found a few letters he wrote if he was ever captured... "
"Don't keep us in fucking suspense tell us!"
"General jist yada yada both Uraraka and Gate were kept there against their wishes. He specified that he forced Uraraka to be his live in romantic partner and that he purchased Gate from a slave trade. He used his quirk to control them in addition to threatening their loved ones.  Oddly enough last lines he asks them to forgive him."
"So what does that mean exactly?" Kirishima brain was working overtime. Bakugo's expression was just dark and blank.
"I need to check with the police but it might mean they aren't treated as criminals but rather as victims. I'm going to head over there now... you two stay out of trouble."
As soon as the phone call ended Bakugo went back to his gloomy silence until he heard sniffling. He looked up to see Kirishimas head in his hands as he tried to hold back his tears. 
"Why the fuck are you crying idiot this is a good thing?"
Kirishima looked at Bakugo with slightly hesitant eyes. "When you were released ... did you know?"
"Know what?"
"That he was forcing her to ... be his?"
"Don't ask me this shit... I wont talk about it."
"You knew didn't you! You didn't tell anyone... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ANYONE!" Kirishima's eyes held so much anger and sorrow. 
"Tell people what? I couldn't save my own girlfriend in any sense... that she was sexually assaulted and tortured but had more mental resolve than me? or what that she was repressing the memories so badly she just kept insisting it was all in my head and it never happened..." The blonds voice was shaky. "Or that she probually traded herself for my freedom, because she saw I was having a fucking mental breakdown. That I WAS WEAK and she was stronger than me? What is it that I was meant to say? NOONE ASKED ME ABOUT IT AND I WAS TOO ASHAMED TO SAY ANYTHING!"
He didn't realise it but he was screaming now at his friend getting right up in his face. A nurse entered the room because of the screaming and told them one of them had to leave. Bakugo sat on the chair next to the patient. 
"Come back in 12 hours we can take it in turns."

Twelve hours later Kirishima turned up he just sat down and waited for Bakugo to leave.  He was still angry at the blonde and giving him the silent treatment. Kirishima sat with Uraraka and occasionally talked to her, hoping she could hear him. Otherwise he brought his paper work so he could catch up on it. Both him and Bakugo were forced to take week off in leave. About 8 hours in to his shift, he thought he saw her foot move but thought he was seeing things and continued with his paper work.
"Kiri Kun?" A very soft whisper called out. Kirishima's head snapped up before he leaped to her bedside taking her hand in his.
"Did you talk? Please tell me you talked and I'm not insane."
"Water t thirsty." She said as she opened her eyes.
Kirishima got a class of water and helped her drink it.
"Are you feeling better?"
She nods while looking around the room and gives a weak smile. "I've felt better, where's Bakugo?"
"He's at home we are taking 12 hour shifts."
"Oh ok. I'm happy to see you."
"Uraraka... can I ask you a personal question?"
"I guess."
"Did he hurt you? like in any way?" The muscular redhead looked away unable to say what he really meant.
"No he was a gentleman."
"A gentleman!?  He said he forced you to be his lover! That is not manly."
"Did he write a confessional letter? So like him so dramatic... but honestly me being his 'romantic interest' was just a part in his stage play he called life... he kept it secret that he was asexual... he didn't feel attraction... he tried to kiss me once or twice to see if he felt anything but he never did."
"Oh ok.." Kirishima said as he pet her hair. "As long as you are ok I'm happy."
When Bakugo came for his 'shift' Kirishima grabbed his collar and lead him away from her room.
"You're right she is repressing her memories hard!"
"She used the same line as with you... she denied anything happened and made up some crap lie about him being asexual!"
"She's awake and you didn't call me you stupid bastard." He pushed past his friend to get to the room and flung open the door and saw her sitting on her the bed a small smile on her face. "CHEEKS!" 
He did big strides to get to her before he hugged her tightly. 
"Thank fuck.." was all he could manage while holding her. He made sure not to squeeze to tightly since she was recovering form her gun shot wound. 
"I missed you to Katsuki." She pet his hair. He pulled back and smiled at her.
"Were you the criminal user?"
"Yea were you Bot sama?"
He nodded and they both laughed before the doctor walked in with the captain of the police force. They explained that she was no longer being treated as a criminal but rather a victim. She would have to undergo regular counseling and wouldn't be allowed to leave Osaka until everything is sorted out. 
"Did you have family in Osaka to stay with or would you like us to arrange accommodation?" the captain asked.
"No need she will stay with me!" Bakugo interrupted.  
"How about Gate?"
"Err the other victim was showing severe emotional distress and signs of being unstable he was admitted to psyc facility yesterday... he will also be given the same options once they evaluate him as being stable." 
Uraraka nodded seemingly satisfied with their response. The doctors informed them that she would be with them for about a week and they would have to do some other test on her as well before they took he away. When she returned it was just Bakugo in the room, he waited for all the staff to leave before he gave her a lollipop. 
"Er thanks for the candy?"
"No its umm a Sena pop it has his blood in it ...  hurry up and eat all of the ones I have so you don't have to stay in this crappy hospital the full week."
They both chatted for most of the night Bakugo filling her in on what everyone was doing now, it almost felt as if they didn't spend the last two years apart. 

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