Valentines day

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Epilogue another 1 years later

Its about 9:00 am in the morning when Todoroki and Midoriya ring the security gate of the large house in Tokyo. Its nowhere as lavish as their mansion by any means, but it was large for Japanese standards. The intercom buzz's to let them in, they walk down the pathway to the front door of the house.
"Midoriya... Did we have to come this early in the morning? I mean they are probually still sleeping?"
"No I have to talk to her about this now. Kachan is my oldest friend and she was my first friend at UA."
"Have you ever thought that you didn't see what you thoughtt you saw." Todoroki sighed.
"No I know what I saw! I have to confront her now."
"This is exactly how I expected to spend my valentines day" Todoroki muttered under his breath. Uraraka opened the door in her Pjs and an apron some kind of chocolate smeared on her face.
"HI GUYS!" She beamed happily at them. "Happy valentines day! Did you want to come in... I'm just finishing up cooking my chocolate items"
"Yes that would be nice" Todoroki answered first and followed her inside to the kitchen. Bakugos' two cats run up to Todoroki and rub against his warm side.
"Did you want some Tea?" She said as she put the kettle. She was looking in the cupboards for a pot and some tea cups.
"Ochako I'm sorry to say this but I saw you the other day... and I think that its wrong." He stammered. He noticed she had bite marks on her shoulder, they looked like a little shark had bitten her.
"Saw me do what... ?" She thought for a moment. "Oh when I didn't pay for parking? I guess it was a little naughty but I was only 5 minuets."
"No I saw you at the café, on your date with you know!" He was blushing furiously not knowing how to bring this up. Their conversation was interrupted by Gate running through the kitchen, he grabbed a chocolate cupcake Uraraka made for him.
"Oh damn I slept in I'm going to be late...Oh hey guys!.. Peanut will you help me with my assignment tonight?"
"Sure have fun at school! I'm sure you will get valentines day chocolate from that girl you like!"
"Maybe ok bye every!" He says as he makes a gate to his school.
"Oh I made you two chocolate cupcakes as well!" Uraraka smiles at them.
"Thank you" Deku cleared his throat trying to put on his best stern voice. "So like I was saying. I saw you and I think it's wrong what you are doing... its not fair to Kachan especially since he is in Hokkaido on a mission right now. I never thought you were that kind of person Ochako... I am very disappointed in you!"
His face was red from anger and embarrassment. Todoroki looked unfazed as he began eating the cupcake. They both turned around then they heard her bedroom door open. A sleepy topless Kirishima stumbled out. Midoriyas mouth was gasping like a fish not expecting to see him here. He waves at both Midoriya and Todoroki before hugging Uraraka from behind.
"Good Morning babe." He says as he gives her a peck on the cheeks, followed by a playful bite on her neck it leave a similar park to the one on her shoulder. "Ooo did you make me valentines day chocolate?"
"I did but you have to stop biting me your teeth are sharp and you leave marks." She turned around and offered and Todoroki their tea. Kirishima ignores her as he attempts to lick the chocolate off her face.
"Oh so are you two together then?" Todoroki clarifies giving Midoriya an eyeroll.
"Um yeah we are" Uraraka chirped.
"Oh I'm so sorry I said those things Ochako I didn't know you and Kachan broke up."
"Who the fuck said we broke up." An annoyed explosive blonde behind him growled. "Fuck I thought I could sleep in considering how late I got in last night, but NOOO all this fucking noise in the kitchen."
He grabbed a piece of the chocolate cake Uraraka had made on the table and took a bite and laugh.
"Fuck Cheeks it's the same as that fancy cake you bought ages ago!"
"Yea its the same recipe... I stumbled across the recipe in Osaka. The recipe is worth thousands of dollars."
Bakugo sat down across Todorki and Midoriya. The couple looking at the blonde seeing he had similar bite marks on him as Uraraka had. Midoriya was thoroughly confused.
"So umm are you guys all?"
"In a polygamous relationship..." Uraraka answers.
"I call it a throuple!" Kirishima chimes in.
"I call it a head ache."
"Shut up you love it!" Teases the redhead.
"Oh so how?...when? why?"
"Oh well that's simple... in second year I had a small crush on Uraraka but never asked her out... then in third year Bakugo and Uraraka started dating and at first I thought I was a little jealous of Bakugo but realised I was jealous of their relationship in general and just wanted to be included in it as well. So much so I kept weirdly pushing myself into their relationship in weird ways."
"That's not what he asked shitty head. Uraraka and I were going to move back to Tokyo... this one got drunk, turned up at our apartment crying about how he loved us both and wanted to be with both of us... Uraraka and I didn't see a reason why we couldn't give it a try and that's it... Now I have one shit head and one mochi face to look after. Do you have a problem with that?"
Todoroki gets up and makes Midoriya stand. He then bows toward the three lovers.
"My husband and I would like to apologize for disturbing your morning... We will be leaving now thank you for the tea!"

"Geeze that was really weird wasn't it?" Kirishima asked.
"Well those two have always been freaks." Bakugo counters. "Fuck Cheeks sit down and chill, we get it you love us! Stop making us chocolate."
Uraraka throws coco powder at the two guys before squealing and yelling "NO Quirks" as she runs off knowing that both of them will chase after her. ❤the end

Ok we have made it to the end of a very long story for me... I will need a break from writing I think for a bit I think. If you made it this far thank you... I realise I have incorporated elements/themes from my previous Kachako books in this slightly so hope it wasn't too boring for you. If I do write again soon it maybe be a reader x dabi? just to write something a bit different

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