6. Injuries

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Bakugo was almost gleeful at the thought of kicking Uraraka's ass sparring. He can't really even remember when he became so fixated on besting her. He was confident he would win, obviously. Homeroom starts and Bakugo looks around and notices that both Uraraka and Icyhots' desks are empty. Tck maybe Shitty hair was right and they were a couple ...skipping class together to go on a date. Unconsciously his hands were crackling, he didn't realise he was even doing it until Aizawa started homeroom. The class continued as per usual until the door opened and in came Shoto holding Uraraka bridal style, her foot looked oddly positioned. There were stares from the entire class.
"You are both late." Aizawa says unimpressed. 
"Sorry Aizawa Sensei. Uraraka hurt her foot and couldn't walk."
"How did this happen?"
"Oh I was working on a new move and misjudged my leg positioning." She struggled to answer it through her tears of pain. 
"Fine  Todoroki take her to recovery girl." 
The class was split between worry for Ochako and idle gossip about a possible Todoroki Ochako ship. Bakugo's face was livid he wasn't sure why he was so angry... probually because it meant Ochako wouldn't be fighting him today. He saw her foot it was facing the wrong way she would have been in a lot of pain, healing her would basically wipe all her energy. 

Bakugo sat on the bleachers watching Uraraka sit a few benches down. He was right she wasn't able to fight even after visiting recovery girl, she had a limp and a crutch to help keep the weight off her foot... not that she needed it much between Icyhot and useless Nerd carrying her everywhere  like a princess. He glanced over and saw those two damn extras fussing over her. She was currently receiving gentle head pats and hilarious conversation if her giggling was anything to go by. Once they went off to spar Bakugo drug his feet to where she was sitting. 
"What Round face one boyfriend is not enough?"
"BAKUGO! No its not like that!"
"Fine, Deku wouldn't know what to do with you if you turned up naked in his bed. Icyhot however you've basically been all over him recently."
"We've been closer but its not what you're think."
"Really explain then?"
"Well its kind of weird story... but essentially Shoto's mum asked me to help Shoto get used to you know physical contact and affection."
"So his mum manipulated you into being his girlfriend?"
"Nooo more like a doting sister... I kind of always wanted a brother anyway so this works out well."
"This sounds like some real grade A bull shit. He already has a sister"
"Yea but you know his family stuff is...  different. She thought he looked really happy when he brought over the bento's we made together."
"Tck Don't make me puke, with this fluff." Katsuki groaned in disgust. "Fucking just get better so I can beat your ass into the ground."

The explosive teen was sitting in his dorm lifting some dumbbells, he was feeling frustrated with the day in general. He looks outside his window and swears he see's that stupid girl hobbling across the field without her crutches. Idiot must be using her quirk to keep the weight off her foot. He throws on a hoodie and begins to follow her. He follows her down the street, on a train to Shinjuku station then continued to follow her from afar. Fuck I lost her. He walks back and forth from where he last saw her. Looking down the streets that branched off the main one. Surely that limping bitch couldn't get far.   He looked down one of the seedier looking streets and see's her with what can be described as a dangerous looking fucker. Wtf is she talking to this bastard. He eyes widen when he see's him jab a needle into Ochakos neck and runs to her shoving the creepy fucker away from her. 
"Back off you fucking extra!" He growls while grabbing Ochako and pulling her to his side. He looks down at her and she doesn't look relieved if anything she looks irritated. 
"Uraraka who's this punk?" The tall raven haired man addresses to Ochako.
"Oh this is Bakugo, we are in the same class and this is Ren h-hes umm.." Stutters she tries to think of something to finish her sentence.
"Her lover." He responds before getting a hit on his shoulder from Ochako. "Fine her boyfriend. Its very innocent I swear we just hold hands." He looks at Uraraka with a raised eye brow as if asking for confirmation.
"Err.. yea" She feebly responds.
"I don't know what you've fucking drugged her with but there's no way she's would be with this long haired extra." He yells shoving Ren. "What women your own age wont touch you so you resort to school girls. Pervert." Ren seems unperturbed as he calmly put his hair into a bun before staring at Ochako.
"No he didn't drug me.. it was just a heal pen.. because of my foot." She points at her foot which she can now put weight on. 
"Tck whatever... fucking waste of my time I'm leaving." The explosives' teen grunts before  he turns to Ochako. "You are stupider then I thought!"
"Nice meeting  you Bakugo. I'll bring Ochako back to the dorms soon after our date." Ren cooed   emphasis the word date to Bakugo's ire. 

Boom boom boy mood was foul for the rest of the evening in the dorms. Everyone was avoiding him. He was stalking up and down his room keeping his eye out the window. Stupid ugly fucker with his smoldering eyes and stupid long hair. What the fuck would she see in him?  He saw a flashy looking car pull up to the far gate and Uraraka exiting it. Pfft must be money. He goes to the common area and waits for her to enter so he can grab her by the arm to his room.
"Stop it Bakugo what's wrong!?"
"Is that fucker making you date him?" He screams at her.
"What no, Ren isn't a bad person stop judging him for how he looks."
"This old looking fucker, who dates high school girls is a real pillar of virtue!."
"He's not that old... he like maybe twenty two."
"What don't know how old your 'boyfriend' is? He looks old as shit for his age them." He spits venomously at her. "Or does it not matter as long as his bank account is flush."
Ochako doesn't bother to respond to his comment and just pushes past him to go back to her dorm room. 

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