18. Maid Cafe

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Once the couple explain everything to Kirishima, he's surprisingly was cool with it. They stay until the end of the night, so Ren offered the car to take them back to school. Kirishima fell asleep 2 minutes into the car ride. Uraraka tried to snuggle against Bakugo but noticed he was being a bit cold.
"Is everything ok?"
"Yes.... no I don't like Sena licking you."
"He's just healing me."
"Pfft sure... he is just lusting all over you, while he does it." He was getting angry his hand white knuckled over his knee. Uraraka looks at down at her phone and taps away for a bit.
"OK done." She says as she pushes her phone in front of Katsuki's face. He reads over the the text she sent to Sena saying she appreciated his help healing her but felt a bit weird about it right now. 
"Why are you being so ..."
"I don't know probually because I picked up a few habits about understanding from that one" She says as she points to Kirishima sleeping form and taps on her phone. "And patience from this one... especially when it comes to dealing to spoilt little brats."
"Who the fuck are you calling a brat!" Bakugo yells loud enough to make Kirishima rouse in his sleep a bit.
"Shhh you'll wake him... he's like our weird relationship ref and pet." Uraraka coos as she rest her head against his shoulder. 
"So like a service animal?" Bakugo smirked as he gave her a quick kiss. 

It is the day of the school festival and everyone is getting changed. That's right everyone is wearing a maid outfit...all of the dresses were black and white. Every single male was blushing despite the fact that Yaoyoruzu purposely made the hemlines knee length.
"OH GOD I feel so exposed!" Exclaims Kirishima.
"Dude you wear less in your hero costume... If anyone should be feeling exposed its me!... Damn Bakugo is lucky he is cooking no one will see him dressed like this." Complains Kaminari. They both turn when they hear a multiple camera shutters turning around they see all the girls in their class with their phones out. 
"You guys look so cute!"  Mina screams excitedly.
During the festival the café was really busy, it seems like everyone wanted to see the male students dressed as maids to either fawn or gawk at them. Bakugo was cooking like crazy he didn't even notice when Uraraka sneaked in and kissed him on the back of his neck. He jumped back holding a pan of food.
"Fuck Cheeks you could have been wearing this." He indicates to he fried rice in the pan. 
"Sorry, I just missed you." She smiled mischievously at him. "Also I wanted to take a photo with you."
"NO this shit is humiliating."
"Why? I mean no-one can even see you apart from people in 3A, since your hiding in here. I mean most of the guys are outside serving customers... no-one wants any of the girls to serve them..." She pouts faking being upset. 
"Fine  one photo but if I see this shit on social media I'm reporting it."
"No its for my eyes only."  As she takes the photo she looks up and kisses his cheek causing him to blush. "See perfect... Want to hang out after we pack up?"

Once they pack up, the couple walk together back to the dorms. They decided to chill out in her dorm tonight. It would be less likely that the Bakusquad would annoy them here. Bakugo just finished his shower and was waiting on Uraraka to finish hers before they begin doing their homework. Her desk is a mess, super unorganized which sets off the blonde. He begins rearranging and organizing everything because how would she get anything productive done like this. A business card falls out of one of her exercise books, its very unassuming just a name Kei Hiro and contact details.
"What you got there?" Uraraka says as she is drying her hair with a towel. The male student turns to  look at her and is speechless for a second, it was like every droplet of water on her caught the light just right. He holds up the card trying not to look like a goldfish.
"Oh throw that away.... some random guy gave it to me at the fight. He gave me weird vibes... I just took it so he would leave me alone."
Bakugo incinerates the card with his hands before pulling his girlfriend to sit on his lap.
"Bakugo we wont be able to study like this."
"Mmm you can study I'll just watch you." He says running his finger tips lightly over her sides before putting his head on her shoulder. "You're so perfect."
"I don't think you have studying on your mind... If you want to do other stuff we can." She says as she glances over at her bed "You don't have to pretend to fawn over me to get me in bed."
"Fuck Cheeks that was very to the point." He voice horse. "Tck I fawn over you all the time... just mentally."
"Mmm but seriously we can do 'it' if you want?"
"Huh? What? NO! I mean yes we will soon just not today... Fuck are you thinking of me in that stupid maid outfit?"
"No I just like flustering you sometimes." She giggles. "I know deep, deep, very deep down you're a big softie and will plan something special for our first time together."
"Yea it will be the best. I'm actually kind of tired."
"Did you want to sleep here. I want to cuddle!"
He nods and they turn off the light to go to bed. Uraraka falls asleep in a heartbeat, Bakugo however has a lot of his mind suddenly and sleep escapes him. 

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