16. Green eyes monster

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Bakugo saw Uraraka standing at that useless bastards desk chatting away as per usual. He crept up behind her and grabbed her waist suddenly and lifted her off the ground trying to scare her a bit. 
"Babe stop!" She squealed happily.
"Fine." He says trying to sound unimpressed as he put her down. Deep down his stomach did a backflip hearing her call him babe. "Lets go get lunch already. Fucking starving"
"Yea lets go I'm hungry to. Oh is it cool if Midoriya and everyone sits with us?"
"Tck whatever I can't control what these extras do." He says as he holds her hand and starts walking towards the cafeteria. He was trying his hardest to control his anger and jealously, honestly as he spent more time with Cheeks it was getting easier to do. He had no reason to not trust her.... its every other bastard in the world he couldn't trust. Too fucking nice and sweet and hot. He noticed that she had this absent minded habit to hold onto his pointer finger instead of his hand, when she wasn't really paying attention. He smirked while looking down probably because of her tiny little hands.
"Cheeks want to do something after class today?"
"Um sorry I can't this afternoon but I'll come by your dorm room in the evening. I'll even pick up some take away... dorm room movie and dinner date?"
"Oh ok...just get whatever you want ... I have hot sauce in my room. Which will make whatever you get edible."

Bakugo is scrolling on his phone in his dorm room, he was ignoring the group chat which was honestly just Kirishima spamming him date ideas to take his girlfriend on.  Bakugo looked outside the window it looked cold and it was getting dark, where was that girl. He shrugged he was worrying unnecessarily, this girl sneaks out to go to some weird ass fight club on the regular. A rap on the door draws him out of his thoughts. 
"Its me!" Uraraka calls out from outside. 
"Just come in. You don't need to knock." He says as he gets up.
She comes in all bubbly and happy holding an expensive looking paper bag. The kind you get at a fancy place that does take away. "Sorry I'm late I wanted to leave some snacks in the kitchen for everyone but Mina talked my ear off."
"Pinky is always talking." He grunts in agreement as he takes the food out of the bag. Two really expensive looking bentos, one is with Waygu beef the other is a sushi sashimi combo. He digs around the bag and see's the receipt his eyes widen at the price. 
"You spent fucking $120 dollars on this!"
"No I spent $40 on this they were half price since the department store was closing... I spent $40  dollars on snacks for everyone else...$5 on some drinks." She pauses as she pulls out two bottled of iced tea. "Oh and $40 for this chocolate cake for us its meant to be AMAZING!"
"Fuck Cheeks that's too much to spend on those fucking extras!"
"I like doing random nice stuff for everyone... plus I like feeding people... Mina said it was my love language." She responds while she begins splitting up the bento's so they would get some of each. They begin to eat in silence. "Its good yea?"
"Its alright... I could probually cook better." Katsuki counters.
Afterwards Cheeks takes out the cake and tries to feed Bakugo a forkful because he initially refused to eat a slice. He reluctantly accepts being fed before he face makes a weird face.
"Err Bakugo... I don't know if that's a good or bad face... Its weird I've never seen you make that face before."
"Fuck Cheeks that was $40 well spent!" He exclaims as he opens his mouth expecting to be fed more of this heavenly cake. After eating they do some  homework, Uraraka quickly runs off to her room to get her English notebook. He notices her phone notification going off. He shouldn't look but he can't help it at the screen and frowns. Fucking bastard Sena trying to get his girl. Before his anger could build his girlfriend lets herself into the room. 
"Got it! I thought maybe I left it in the classroom for a minute."
"You're other boyfriend texted you." He snarked.  Uraraka looked at her phone and sighed. 
"Yea I saw Sena today after school he wanted some help picking out a birthday present for Demi." She says ignoring his jab at her. 
"Sure he couldn't pick up a gift card on his own.... I don't like you spending time with him. He's a fucking creepy mother fucker."
"He's my friend... and you are being weird... or having 'no chill' as Kirishima described it." Uraraka pouts. She knew that the two guys were best friends but really didn't think the red head would be so involved in their relationship like some  kind of weird referee. "Don't you trust me?"
"Fuck... Yes I do... are you goin to the  fight this week?"
"Yea the theme is weird... like weird gothic / Victorian/ Lolita style clothing.... The announcer is a weirdo... he just sends us a random photo instead of  setting a theme." She complains.
"I'm coming along with you." He says trying to his manliest gruff voice. Uraraka just kisses his cheeks, completely missing the manly tone he was trying to set. 
"Great I love when you come along." 

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