11. Rematch

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"Midoriya. Have you noticed Bakugo behaving oddly this week?" Todoroki asks his classmate in the caffeteria.
"Kachan seems to be acting like normal."
"I mean he is always around Uraraka." Todoroki almost seems concerned he was harassing her.
"I guess... it doesn't seem like shes bothered by it. Maybe he just wants to fight her again."
Shoto stares at the two of them and shrugs before he continues slurping his noodles. It seemed like a thing Bakugo would do. As if on que you can Ochako yell at the Pomeranian. 
"Fine I agree to your rematch just please let me eat my lunch!"

Another Friday, another sparring match. Ochako sighed for her upcoming rematch with Bakugo, since learning about her extra curricular activities he's just always around.  She looked up at the sky such a beautiful day today, it would be so nice to just relax and have a nap in the sunshine. She stared at the clouds move across the sky thinking about her upcoming match. 
"Round face get up lets fight!"
"Bakugo did you want to wear our hero costumes today? Since we're at the outside arena you can go crazy with your quirk... Aizawa Sensei said he didn't care."
"Seems like your brain isn't that empty after all Round face."

Both of them stand on opposite sides of the ring. Bakugo of course came at full blast towards her. Uraraka wanted him to get close to her so she holds off countering until the last moment. Her combat skills had greatly improved with all her extra practice and he struggled to maintain distance from her. Next thing he knew her palm grabbed his ankle and he started to float at a somewhat faster. 
"FUCKING IDIOT, I can use my quirk to propel myself I'll still beat your ass!" 
Uraraka pressed the button to make her visor cover her face and continued to dodge his attacks sometimes landing an kick or punch. Suddenly he realised he wasn't getting as much propulsion as he expected. 
"What the fuck?"
"Its windy up here isn't it???"
"Windy enough to dry off your sweat.... and hinder your quirk..." She smirks in a very know it all way. 
"FUCK I can still beat you."
"I will try my hardest."
Bakugo managed to propel himself to Uraraka but suddenly realised it was harder to breath. 
"Bakugo yield... The oxygen is getting thin."
"NEVER I WILL NEVER YEILD!!!" He screams grabbing onto her shoulders wanting to shake sense into her but stops mid shake as he loses consciousness from low oxygen. Uraraka takes a deep breath before squashing all that spikey hair into her helmet. She holds onto him as she brings them down to the ground. She carefully puts him down in an out of bounce area and looks at Aizawa who seems irritated.
"Uraraka wins.... That was slightly excessive... not something I'd expect from you."
"Yes it was Aizawa Sensei...If I didn't go all out he would keep asking me for rematches though!"
"See me after class." He tells her as he looks at Bakugo in the feminine helmet and tried not to laugh. "Take him to recovery girl."
As if even in his unconscious state he didn't want to be 'beat up' by a girl he gasped and stands up ready to fight. Realizing something is on his head be pulls it off and yells at Ochako.
"Why did you put this shit on my head!"
"So you could breath dum dum! Oh I won by the way so please stop asking me for rematches."
"That was a dirty trick ! THAT SHIT DOESN'T COUNT!"
"Mmmm it does... you were out of bounce... I know I can't beat you in hand to hand combat so came up with an alternate strategy."
Bakugo not wanting to accept his defeat just storms off angrily to change. When he comes back he see's most of the class have gone to change except Ochako who was talking to their teacher. 
"Uraraka you fighting style has really changed recently... It's a lot more extreme compared to how you used to fight...plus some weeks at training you seem so exhausted you barely make a passable effort. Is everything ok?"
"Yes Sensei ... I know I'm not the strongest in my class so I decided to learn new ways to out move or outsmart my opponents now. I can't expect Midoriya to save me when I become a pro. I've been doing some extra training so maybe that's why I'm tired."
"Ok that's fine... but today's match was a bit more reckless then I would have liked."
 "I didn't want to hurt Bakugo! I added a small oxygen store to my outfit recently. I put my helmet on Bakugo as soon as he passed out ... Honestly if he was a calmer person he wouldn't have passed out so quickly... I dropped down to an acceptable oxygen level within like 20 seconds..."
"How about you for those twenty seconds?"
"I've been practicing holding my breath!"
"... go talk to the support team about adding an extra oxygen source ... just go I'm exhausted."
Uraraka skipped off heading to change before she someone grabbed her arm and pulled her against them. Uraraka landed against their chest with a thud. 
"Bakugo Kun what's wrong are you ok?"
"What? why would something be wrong with me? What did Aizawa say ? Did you get in trouble?" He looked down to the top of her head and realised she was still leaning on his chest. 
"No it was just a chat." She was about to push away from his but he held her arm preventing her from moving.
"Are you going to you know tonight?"
"Yea I'm not fighting though."
"I'm coming with you."
"Oh ok ... I didn't really think it was your thing.."
"I don't trust those shady as fuck people there... you're too nice Cheeks."
"Ohhh ok? Umm well I leave at about"
"8:30... I know" He let go of her arm so she could move away from him. "Also smart... today with training."

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