19. Plannings

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A month or so goes by Uraraka and Bakugo's relationship  is going well. Bakugo insists on accompanying Uraraka to the fights every Friday, whether she is fighting or not. Kirishima occasionally joins them, much to Bakugo's annoyance. He's learnt to tolerate Sena and Ren, he didn't even lose it when he realise they call her peanut. She used to eat so many of the free peanut packs when she first started fighting, that the name stuck. He still thinks that demon is secretly in love with Uraraka, but it doesn't bother him as much anymore since she isn't interested in him. Kirishima jabs his best friend in the side.
"Nothing you just seemed to be spacing out, recently."
"Nothing just... fuck I have things on my mind." He mutters not making eye contact with the redhead. 
"Like what?"  
"Its nothing leave it."
"No, you know I can't not know  now!" Kirishima pleads like a puppy. "You know if you don't tell me I'll just keep annoying you OR I could just find out from Uraraka."
Bakugo jolts up and grabs Kirishima by the throat and slams him against the wall.  His grip is firm but not tight enough to hurt his friend in anyway.
"YOU CAN'T TALK TO HER ABOUT THIS." He growls. Kirishima responds by giving him a thumbs up, making an exaggerated show of gasping for air as Bakugo releases his neck. "I'm trying to plan something special for our first time."
"First time?"
"Do I have to spell it out Shitty hair! To do 'it'." He says quietly, he looks at his friends face who still looks confused. "SEX IDIOT SEX."
"Ohhh 'it' I getcha now!" He smiles as gives Bakuguo finger gun thumbs up. "I'm sure whatever you decide will be great."
"NO because I can't think of shit.... I don't do romance. She likes romantic things." He sighs before looking at Kirishima with pensive eyes. "What would you do?"
"You heard me idiot if you were planning 'this' for your fictional girl, what would you do?" He gestures to his note taking app in his phone.  There is only one thing written which is condoms.
"Umm ok... Is this like fantasy land or realistic budget?"
"Ok ok umm so if I had the money and time I'd take her somewhere nice she hasn't been before like one of those fancy Onsen Ryokan.. maybe in Hakone... like it would be a whole thing like a weekend away type thing... we'd take the bullet train ... we could get those fancy bento's you can only get form the bullet train. Do some romantic sight seeing during the day... go back to the Ryokan have a traditional Japanese afternoon tea... I would have bought some sweets from the shops while we did our sight seeing. Then we could relax, have a fancy dinner in the room hopefully relax in the hot springs ... if there was like a private one we could relax in there together... Afterwards we'd dress in our Yukata's ... She'd look so beautiful in a yukata I hope it would be pink or green both would look so pretty with her brown hair and eyes. Then I'd probually light some candles and stuff when we got back to the room. I'm sure she'd be nervous, so you know lots of compliments and praise to make her feel comfortable. Then you know hopefully we both do you know. Then maybe wake up early watch the sunrise together hopefully see Mt Fuji if the weather is clear." Kirishima says wistfully looking out a window, it was a clear day today so you could just make out the outline of Mt Fuji. He turned back around to look at Bakugo who looked like he had been hit by a truck. Kirishima snaps back into his usual happy go lucky self. "Well that's what I'd do anyway."
"HOLY FUCK, that is some romantic shit." Bakugo says as he opens the voice memo on his phone and holds it up towards Kirishima. "Can you say all that shit again? I mean no-one would know it we did the same thing its not like we'd ever date the same girl."
"Yea of course man no problem." He said with a smile which didn't reach his eyes. 

"Kirishima!" a familiar feminine voice calls out to him after class. He spins around seeing the petite brunette run towards him. 
"Hey Uraraka what's up?"
"Umm nothing just Katsuki has been acting weird around me recently... it seems like he is avoiding me as well... Did I do something wrong? Is he bored of me?" Her eyes glisten with tears.
"What no! Don't be ridiculous he's just been busy. Don't worry ok?" The Red head reassures her while trying to awkwardly run away from her. He pulls out his phone to quickly message Bakugo that Uraraka thinks he's avoiding her, so he better be more Bakugo-ish. 

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