~Chapter 7~

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As I walk, holding Keith up, my eyesight starts to get blurry, causing me to stumble. Ryan and Xander look at me with worry painted on their faces. I ignore it and keep pushing forward. I smile as I see my truck and walk faster towards it.

 "We are almost there Keith.. hold on.," I mutter as I start to struggle more. I shake my head and keep pushing. The closer I got, the worse the pain and blurriness got. I collapse to my knees and wince, holding my head. Xander dashes over and takes Keith from my grasp, carrying him to my truck. Ryan runs to help me but I push him away as I try to stand up on my own. I stumble and start to fall over. Ryan catches me and carries me the rest of the way to the truck.

"You've lost too much blood.. you're wound looks infected.. we need to get you both to the hospital," he says as he takes the keys from my bag in the front seat and starts my truck. I look at Keith as Xander sits him up in the back of my truck. I frown and crawl to his side.

"Y-you're going to be ok Keith.." I say softly as I caress his cheek and smile as he looks at me. He pulls me closer to his side and smiles.

"I'm more worried about you Kayda.. you got more wounds than I do.. and they are way worse than any of mine.. but.. thank you," he says as he kisses me softly. I

 kiss back and blush. I jerk when Xander jumps into the back as Ryan backs up and pulls out of the school parking lot quickly, speeding down the road towards the hospital. I lay my head on Keith's chest and my eyes slowly flutter closed. Xander snaps his fingers at me and frowns.

"You need to sit up and stay awake. We don't need to lose you," he says as helps me sit up. I nod and smack myself in the face to try to wake myself up. I gasp and wince as my back starts to sting badly. "I know it hurts.. just hold on... we are almost there. Step on it Ryan!' he yells and beats the hood of the truck as my eyes start to close again. "No. No. Don't close your eyes.." he says as my eyes shut, not opening. My head falls into Keith's lap, my breathing and heart rate slowing.

-Keiths POV-

Kayda's head just fell into my lap, snapping me out of a daze. My eyes widen as I shake her.

"Shit! Ryan! She passed out. We need to hurry!!" Xander screams as he bends down, checking her pulse.

"K-Kayda..! Wake up! Please.." I say as I shake her, pulling her into my lap and holding her close to my chest. I look down at her as tears start to fill my eyes. "Don't leave me. I just found you, my other half. You can't leave me!" I yell as my tears spill over and flow down my cheeks onto hers. 

Xander puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me I need to breathe and calm down. I take a deep breath and nod as I hold her, sniffling into her chest. Ryan looks at Xander through the rearview mirror, frowning as he quickly turns into the hospital parking lot. Xander jumps out of the back as Ryan skids to a stop. The curb of the front entrance to the hospital isn't far. Ryan jumps out and tells me to hand Kayda to him. I shake my head and push myself out of the bed of the truck, stepping down. I hold her close to me as I stumble towards the doors. I burst through and collapse to my knees in front of nurses.

"Please help her!" I yell as they rush to me. They place her on a gurney and wheel her away. A nurse helps me into a room and tells me to lay down. "Xander! Go with her please!" I say as they look at me. He nods and runs off in the direction they wheeled Kayda away. Ryan stands there and tries to come in but the nurse tells him to go sit in the waiting room.

"No! That's my best friend right there. I'm not leaving him! You can't make me." he says, causing a lot of attention.

"Sir. Please. I need you to sit in the waiting room. I will be right out after I clean him up and make sure there isn't any serious damage. Now, please. Let me do my job." the nurse says to Ryan, standing in front of him, looking up at him with a stern stare. He steps back and sighs, walking to the waiting room. 

She walks over to me with a pair of scissors and cuts open my shirt to look at my wound. She pulls air in through her teeth sharply as she looks at it. She opens the curtain a bit and asks for another nurse to assist her. A male nurse walks in and looks at it. The lady grabs a stitch kit and some gauze with some hydrogen peroxide in them. I lay my head back and take some deep breaths as she pats my wound with the gauze. I wince and look over at her as she hands the stitching kit to the other nurse, then cleans up my wound and throws away the bloodied gauze. The male nurse opens the kit and pulls out the needle and stitches. As he starts to stitch my wound up, Xander rushes in with a worried look, the other nurse trying to push him out.

"She's not doing well.. her wound is dangerously infected. They have her on a breathing machine. I couldn't find out anything else because they kicked me out.." Xander says before the lady nurse pushes him out and tells him to sit with his friend in the waiting room. 

My eyes fill with tears and I raise my arm, covering my eyes. I sniffle and grit my teeth.

"I just finished your stitches. I'm going to put a gauze over it to protect it, don't do any heavy lifting or extreme activities. I'll take you to her as well.." he says and finishes up, handing me a scrub top for me to put on.

"T-thank you.." I say as I slip it over my head and sit up slowly. He nods at me as he walks out of the small room. 

I follow closely behind him as he leads me to the ISU. He pulls away from a curtain and lets me in. I walk in and cover my mouth as I see Kayda laying in a bed with so many wires attached to her and machines beeping loudly. I pull over a chair and grasp her hand in mine.

"I'm here Kayda. I'm here.." I whisper as I lay my head down on the bed, holding her hand tightly. 


Dun dun duuuuunnn! 

~Will Kayda make it? What will Keith do about the ruthless Alpha seeking revenge? You'll have to read to find out! Hahaha! If you have any input or questions, please leave a comment. Please leave a vote if you like the chapter. Have a nice night!~


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