Attacking Animals

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Waking up in the morning was a grueling task. I barely managed to crawl out of bed at 9:30. I haphazardly threw my uniform on and stumbled my way down to the kitchen. I was still full from our dawn breakfast so I just got myself some tea and sat down across from Andy and Ted. "Late night?" Andy joked while sipping her tea.

"Absolutely not, I always wake up in the middle of the night to eat twice my weight in breakfast foods. Why would that make me me tired beyond belief?" I stated sarcastically.

"Someone's not a morning person." Ted sang and ducked when I tossed his newspaper at him. He grabbed it from the floor and started penning through it.

"Are you all packed?" Andy asked. I nodded and she got up to go wake the others. Almost an hour later everyone was up and we were all down in the Livingroom, ready to apparate to Kings Cross. Ginny, Anya, and I all looked worse for wear. Our uniforms were rumpled and a mess.

Ginny's tie was lying on her shoulders, her socks didn't even match. Anya's shirt wasn't tucked in and it looked like it was inside out. My shirt wasn't done up right. I missed a few buttons and it was all crooked, my blonde hair was thrown up into a very messy bun that was already falling apart. I yawned and the other girls also yawned.

I grabbed onto Nymphie, while Ted took Ginny, and Andy took Anya. Apparating onto King's cross we got a trolley for our trunks and made our way to the train. It was half an hour before the train left and carriages were starting to fill up. Ginny and Anya said goodbye and went to find a spot on the train, letting me say goodbye to my family.

Turning to Nymphie she just ruffled my hair and wished me a good year, I winked at her.

"Have a safe journey and write to us every day. Make sure Anya and Ginny write to us too. Be safe and have fun. Stay out of trouble." Andy brought me into a hug, I could see her tear up and I felt myself tearing up too.

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay in our perfect cozy little cottage. Spend all day out Ted's garden and Andy's office. I wanted to wake up to a new prank from Nymphie and spend our evenings playing board games. I wanted to be able to play beach boys non-stop. I wanted to be home.

Nymphie and Ted joined in the hug and I squeezed them as hard I could. Finally pulling back I had to wipe away my tears.

"I'll miss all of you and I love you." I said. Andy kissed my forehead and after a few more good-byes and I love yous from everyone I finally got on the train and found the right compartment.

Ginny and Anya already had our trunks taken care off. Neville and Colin were already in there. I walked in and laid down next to Ginny. She was laying on one bench while Neville, Colin, and Anya were sitting on the bench across from us.

We caught up with Colin and Neville. Neville had spent the summer with his Gran practicing his studies. Colin and his family went on a trip to France. Colin showed us many great pictures and he talked non-stop about his brother Dennis. He was showing signs of wizardry and was thrilled to show him around next year.

I promised to buy as many sweets as possible from Honeydukes, the sweet shop in Hogsmeade, for Colin to send home to his family. Anya made a similar request. I quickly tried to remember where I put my permission slip for Hogsmeade, I believe Andy stuck it in my trunk after she signed it. I gave a sigh of relief and told Anya, Colin, and Ginny to make a list of what sweets they want and Neville and I will bring them back.

I would have to owl Honeydukes and ask for a catalogue for their store, since Colin and Anya would have no clue what most things are. I slipped Neville some money and asked him to buy me some things from the Trolley when it got here. I rolled over and tried to get some sleep, I was so tired.

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