Rejoiceful Resolution

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The day before the last day of term I got the response back I was hoping for. I eagerly ran down to the Great Hall and grabbed Harry's wrist and dragged him out from the Hall. I could hear him protesting, but I ignored it. I found an abandoned classroom and ushered him in, Hermione and Ron came in after us.

I smile eagerly at all of them. They just stared at me. "Bloody hell Gemma, were you trying to tear his arm off?" Ron exclaimed.

"Yes! Er- No. I mean, oh forget it. I have terrific news!" I jumped up and down in anticipation.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked.

"I know where Sirius is!" I quietly exclaimed, holding my letter close to my chest. Harry started forward and grabbed my arms.

"Where? Where is he? Is he safe? Is he able to take care of himself? Is he close? Does the ministry know where he is? How is he?" Harry asked all at once, I barely had time to wrap my head around one question, when another came out.

"Harry! Harry!" I laughed and stopped his talking. He looked hopefully at me. Ron and Hermione were watching us in anticipation. "Sirius is at my home. He is safe."

A sigh of relief came from Harry and he let go of my arms. Hermione smiled at me, but Ron looked confused.

"How can he be safe at the Malfoy's?" Ron questioned. Hermione slapped his arm and Harry looked apologetic at me, I just shrugged at him.

"I don't live at the Malfoy's, that's why. I live with my Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Ted. Ted is a muggle-born so my aunt was disowned for loving him. However, my Aunt Andy practically raised Sirius. She never believed him to be guilty. So, I told Sirius to go there and we would shelter him. Andy is a healer at Saint Mungo's - the wizarding Hospital."

I had to clarify at Harry's confused face. Hermione supplied that a Healer was an equivalent to a doctor and Harry nodded. I plopped down on the floor and the other's joined me.

"Anyways Andy is taking care of Sirius. She says that he already looks healthier, he is eating and has new clothes, and is talking more. If anyone were to come by, he transforms into his dog form and we just say we got a dog name 'Snuffles'." I continued.

"Snuffles?" Ron started laughing and I sent a glare his way.

"Yes. Snuffles. A name I came up with." I said shortly and Ron stopped laughing.

"Thank you, Gemma. I'm glad he is safe." Harry said, I could see the tension leave his body and I was glad.

"You know..." I started and had to gather up my courage. "You could always write me over the summer. I mean it would be addressed to me, but you could write things for Sirius. He could write to you, but pretend to be me. You can talk regularly; Ted knows how to send mail 'the muggle way' so you won't get in trouble either."

Harry's face lit up at the idea and he quickly got my address so he could start writing things to ask Sirius. I left him to it and went to find Anya and Ginny.


The next day our exam results came back. I passed every subject, as had everyone else, Hermione and I tied for top scores in our year. Usually, I would be upset by this but Hermione and I just shared a laugh. Percy, Ginny's older brother, had got top scores on his Newts and wouldn't stop talking about it. Fred and George got a handful of O.W.L.s between them. I don't think they really wanted much; I had a feeling that they were way smarter than they let on.

Cedric managed to get an O in every subject except one, he got an E in History of Magic. He was still through the moon though and I promised to talk to Andy about him meeting with her to talk about becoming a Healer.

The feast on our last night was one of the wildest, I remember. Gryffindor managed to win the quidditch cup and the House cup. The Gryffindor's weren't shy about it.

Our table was bursting with laugher and us chatting. The Great Hall was decorated in red and gold, our house colors, to celebrate and I love it. I had to practically crawl to bed from eating too much.


In the morning we all made our way to the Train to go home. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Anya, Neville, Colin, and I all managed to squeeze into one carriage. It was definitely a tight fit, but I sat on the floor between Ginny and Anya's feet. We played games and Ginny even managed to speak to Harry, though her face was bright red the whole time.

Colin managed to get a picture of all of us and I made him promise to send me a copy. I left the compartment to use the Loo and I managed to find Cedric and say goodbye. I briefly ran into Eddie Carmichael and we waved at each other, it was still awkward between us, but one day it may not be.

I glimpsed Fred and George playing with fireworks in their carriage. I left before they saw me, reentering my compartment I felt at home. I sat back down and joined Harry in a game of Exploding Snap.

I was actually a bit sad when the train pulled into the station, I didn't want to say good-bye to my friends. However, I was overjoyed to see Andy again, she was waiting near the barrier and I was able to introduce her to everyone.

She pulled Anya and Ginny into hugs and said hello to everyone else. Her and I went back through the barrier. I ran and hugged Nymphie, who was waiting by the car for us. She ruffled my hair and demanded to know how my school year went. Before I could answer, Uncle Ted swept me up into a bear hug that left me gasping for air. I let out a laugh and we all climbed into the car. I was going home.  

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