Part 4: Closer

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The setup of the apartment exceeded the android's expectations. 18 had predicted a place plainer than the cabin she shared with her brother, but Krillin's interior included a modern and fully furnished kitchen and living room. The latter included a white and silver marble rug with a lovely light up coffee table in the center. The rug was framed with off-white, L-shaped couches and a rather expensive-looking ceiling light shaped like a lantern hung above them. She assumed his job must have paid him quite well, especially when she considered his recount of how he acquired it.

"Wow," 18 marveled, "nice place you got here."

"Thanks," Krillin replied. Much to her chagrin, he seemed still seemed to be having an internal panic attack.

"Well, uh. Feel free to make yourself at home," Krillin blurted rather fast, cementing 18's assumptions. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"Sure," the android barely replied before the small fighter scurried off. 18 assumed he went into his bathroom until...

"Eh, heh. That was the closet," the flustered former fighter muttered as he shuffled behind another door adjacent to the closet. The android shook her head as she chuckled. Then she pulled a microscopic capsule out of her clutch. It popped open and revealed a baggy tshirt and shorts that she quickly changed into. Infinite energy or not, 18 preferred comfy lounge wear over a dress that hugged her like a cobra and heels higher than her brother's forehead.

As she plopped onto the couch that was indeed as soft as it looked, she again thought to herself that for someone who was supposedly missing for such a long time, Krillin sure seemed to be doing well. While the home was as warm and inviting as the formerly bald man who given her the invitation, 18 noticed that it proved everything his former master previously described. Roshi informed her that he'd taken everything but his gi when he fled Kame House, and nothing in the room disclosed Krillin's previous passion for fighting.

He didn't seem much different than the last time she saw him. What could've happened to cause this?

A squeak of a handle and the halt of running water suggested she might get an answer soon. The ambient light bounced off the small man's glistening forehead when he stepped out of the bathroom. The white tshirt he wore clung to his damp skin, failing to obscure the chiseled abs he retained underneath.

"Eighteen?" Krillin called. The android realized she'd been staring and fought the approaching blush.


"I was saying you could help yourself to the fridge and watch TV if you want. I'm gonna hit the sack." 18 cocked her head and considered how ready he looked to scamper off.

"Are you really that tired?" she asked as if she already knew the answer. Krillin's awkward smile betrayed him.

"You got me," he ran his fingers through his hair. 18 forehead flicked toward the empty spot next to her on the couch. He hesitated before he dropped himself on it.

"I don't bite you know. You weren't this tense back at the club. Not at the end, anyway."

"Well I uh. I guess there were more people at there. I ummm," she blinked, waiting for him to continue.

"I've never been alone with a girl here."

"Really?" He shook his sheepish head in confirmation. For reasons she couldn't explain, that pleased her. Fortunately, she also acquired an opening.

"By the way, I was wondering," the cyborg began, "what're you doing all the way out here anyway?" Though it was only for a brief moment, 18 caught the small smile on the former fighter's face falter as his eyes glazed over with dejection.

"I guess I just wanted to try something new," he dropped his gaze from her as he spoke. She wanted to probe him, but his reaction made her chest tighten a little and caused some slight guilt. 18 decided to take him up on his previous offer and promptly reached for TV remote sitting on coffee table. Krillin's shoulders relaxed when the TV switched on, and gave her a grateful simper and leaned back into the couch.


"How do they even understand what that airplane bird thing is saying," 18 asked as she watched an eccentric blue bird with legs run around yelling, "Coco!" on the TV.

"Krillin?" she turned toward him and found his body splayed out as his chest slowly rose and fell. He looked so peaceful. She considered putting him in his bed but decided she did not want to wake him up. Plus that would be rather weird, after all she had not received permission to enter his bedroom. She briefly considered laying herself down on his chest, surprising herself and evoking another blush. Instead, she took another moment to take in how adorable he looked and quietly slipped out the front door.


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