I don't know if there's still reading this book but here I am, continuing this. Sorry for the late update if u guys waited for so long, a lot of things happened this past few months and im happy to be back here writing stuffs for yall guys! again this story is dedicated to all of those ppl out there who still reads this xo

The following day after that night went awkward for Blake.

He can't fully believe himself that they had done sex for the second time. Frustrated, he kept distance away from the blonde boy in and out of his house and he was put at ease when he noticed the guy didn't notice it.

The hell he'll notice me avoiding. As if he care. the smaller boy thought as he found himself going out from his Arts and Crafts class for lunch.

Today was the same with every other day, crash out the prying eyes of everyone.

What on earth did this people stopped on eyeing him like a prey? He did not know.

Halfway before Blake reach the doors to the school cafeteria he found Boston talking to a brunette girl with one hand leaning to the wall. He enthusiastically laughed at the girl's blabbering that the smaller boy didn't hear.

Typical Boston having another card after a card.

As if on cue, his blood boiled.

Its just funny how a guy could possibly flirt with another girl after the other one.

but here's the deal breaker - he fucked the last one without even flirting him.

And sadly, that him is Blake.

He knew all along the charms of that guy but here he was, he was tricked again.

He swung his head towards the doors and closed his eyes in frustration. Chanting he will never ever get tricked by that bastard ever again.

He was almost at opening the door to the cafeteria when someone from the left appeared out of thin air, knocking Blake sideways. His butt landed first which earned him a hiss.

"Shit. I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry," a guy's voice resonated his ears but his butt really hurts that he haven't found time on looking up to see the reckless guy's face.

The guy offered his hands to help the poor boy on his butt get up and he gladly took it without glancing at his face, he is still concerned on his butt.

It really hurts, shit. His butt throb painfully inside his tight black jeans.

"Look I'm so sorry if I did bump on you," the guy said with pleading voice, the exact moment Blake darted his gaze on his face.

His jaw dropped at the sight of the guys face.

"Am I seeing things or not?" he softly mumbled.

No way.

No freaking way! This couldn't be happening.

The familiar golden locks, blazing blue eyes and his red-kissable lips . . .

Right, Blake isn't seeing things. He even poked his obviously hard chest that's covered on white tee. The stranger chuckled at the smaller boy's action.

Should I call the earth to eat me up alive?

Blake was far beyond embarrassed, with his lopsided glasses, creased white polo top and black jeans, he was sure he looked horrible at the moment.

He cant stop screaming help in his thoughts because . . .

Right in front of him was Zach Islestorm -a famous fitness model and not to mention, his web crush all this time.

The pain on his butt evaporated into nothing quickly as he was star strucked.

Zach broke a shy smile as he heard what the other boy said, scratching his head on the process which almost send Blake to unconsciousness. Cheeks burning up.

He's even handsome at close, the smaller boy thought.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" the boy shyly asked.

Blake was hesitant at first to ask if he is Zach Islestorm in the fear of him concluding that he's a stalker or someone that is obsessed with this hot af model.

Well, definitely he is, at some point.

He used to hear news about Zach Islestorm dating someone and Blake had gone Detective Conan just to gather and know who he's dating. It was stupid, he admits but hey, good thing he stopped doing that shit when he realized it was a foolish thing to do.

"Are you Zach Islestorm?" Blake like the other times, didn't fail to stutter. He can't blame himself, he is in front of somewhat demi-god so it's natural he'll feel thrilled.

The muscular guy only nodded.

"Okay . . . So maybe I should go now?" scratching his head, Blake slowly turn sideways to escape the paralyzing gaze of the hot guy and run away like everytime he does. "Wait, hold up,"

Without the smaller boy's consent, Zach slid his vein-y hands into Blake's. The reckless action made the smaller boy cheeks turn into crimson red.

"Listen. That bad-boy lookin' boy there is staring at us. Is he your boyfriend?" Zach whispered to Blake's ears which give him tingles on the foot. Blake's weird, and he knows it.

"H-huh? Who?" Blake was about to turn his head but Zach distracted him by pinching his already red cheeks.

"Don't look at him you idiot. I was just asking if he's your boyfriend because he looks so jealous."

Cue cough. Blake felt something blocked his throat and he started coughing after hearing what Zach had said to him. Boyfriend? Jealous? Pfft! The smaller laughed his ass off just to buy the joke of the hot guy infront of him. And stopped immediately.

Blake was about to leave Zach but the fit boy won't let him. He tailed the smaller boy to lunch. As they walk the corridor to the cafeteria, Boston's eyes are at watch with the smaller boy.


Never have I ever gotten this so much attention by walking sideways with a famous, jaw dropping, mouth watering, model inside the school. Even the attention i got from those guys with prying eyes are stacked over.

Zach, on the other hand, keeps on smiling to all the chicks that go hysterical for him. Damn, someone even grab his butt and this guy just chuckled.

Now, since he insisted on sticking with me the whole day I made him buy my lunch just to test him but he religiously did it. He walked straight to the food lane that I really hated just to buy me food. And now im here sitting thinking 'bout what Zach had said earlier.

"Listen. That bad-boy lookin' boy there is staring at us. Is he your boyfriend?"

"Don't look at him you idiot. I was just asking if he's your boyfriend because he looks so jealous."

That's some bullshit, if you may ask me. That's literally what Boston is. He will take everything next by next, card after card. He is a playboy for crying out loud. Everyone knows about that, even his mum. Zach might as well be playing me around since we don't know each other yet. Yeah that's it.

"You okay there, honey?" with both hands holding a tray of food, Zach smiled at me which triggered my cheeks to burn, again.

"Oh, enough of that shit mister mouth-watering guy-"

"Sup, Blakey." sliding into the seat beside me, Boston managed to utter those words, in which I wished it never happened. With those words uttered, a hand crawled right up my thighs.

I turned my eyes to Boston and all I see is . . .


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