Chapter Three - Journey To Hogwarts

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Here is the next update! Hopefully I can keep updating on a daily basis - we'll see how it goes. Hope you enjoy!

Aelin's POV -

"Drama already Aelin?!" question Yrene whilst the other two girls helped Aelin up and back into her seat.

"Not really," Aelin explained, "I bumped into the boy with silver hair earlier and he was rude, but apart from that I don't know them." Aelin bent down to pick up the cage with her owl in checking to make sure that she hadn't been hurt in the process.

"Woah you have an owl?!" Lysandra said.

"Yeah actually. I have a dog, Fleetfoot, back at home but I obviously couldn't bring her with us, so I decided to get an owl instead to bring along with me. This is Merlin" she gestured to the screech owl next to her.

Over the next few hours of the train journey, Aelin learnt a lot about her new friends. Yrene was from a town called Fenharrow and was excited to learn all about Herbology and Charms. Elide was also looking forward to charms and was excited to go to Hogwarts as she spent all her time at home with her Uncle, who was apparently horrible. Lysandra was excited for transfiguration and was eager to watch quidditch matches and cheer for her house.

"What house do you think you'll be in?" Lysandra asked Aelin.

"I don't know actually, my mother was a Gryffindor and my father a Hufflepuff, so I guess I'm more likely to be in one of those two?? Probably Gryffindor though as my cousin Aedion's in it and we're very alike."

"Who are you parents again?" Elide questioned.

"Evalin and Rhoe Galathynius" said Aelin.

Yrene, Elide and Lysandra all looked at her like she had declared she had seen a ghost, all staring at her with looks of varying shock.

After finally regaining control of her jaw and easing out of a gape, Yrene collected herself enough to ask "you're Aelin Galathynius?!? As in Rhoe Galathynius' daughter?"


The three girls continued to look at her in disbelief before answering when Aelin asked what was so significant about her father.

"Rhoe Galathynius was known for being one of the greatest wizards of his generation Aelin! He passed his O.W.L.S's and N.E.W.T's with incredible grades and was offered all kinds of jobs at the Ministry of Magic, being known for being one of the only muggle born wizards to work so high up in the ministry. Him and Evalin were high school sweethearts, growing up together at hogwarts and then having you. They were known for being an extremely powerful couple, again standing out because they were both muggles, although your mother's mother was a witch. However they made many enemies along the way, solely for the fact that they weren't from great wizard families. Others were threatened by their power, especially Maeve, the Minister of Magic at the time, who was rumoured to have been the one to organise thei-"

"I know what happened next" Aelin said quietly but not weakly.

"Did you not know anything about your parents?" Elide asked softly.

"They died when I was very young and I was brought up by my aunt and Aedion, so I never really got to spend much time with them. Aedion told me bits about them, but not enough to make me upset, which was not very much" Aelin admitted.

"I'm sorry" Yrene whispered.

"Hey it's okay, you guys didn't know. Besides this is why I came to Hogwarts, to create my own legacy and learn more about my parents in the place they met and held so dear."

"Look! I can see hogwarts!"

"We'd better go change so that we are ready when we arrive."

With that all four girls grabbed their bags and ran off, pulling on their robes and talking excitedly about what they thought Hogwarts would be like.

Aelin Galathynius / Hogwarts - Mischief & Magic 🤍Where stories live. Discover now