Chapter Five - Muggles

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Aelin's POV -

Aelin had never been more scared in her life. She didn't know exactly why, but she has a sneaking suspicion that this ceremony would go as expected. In an effort to calm her nerves, Aelin turned her attention towards the sorting ceremony, which had just begun.

"Lysandra Ennar!" the professor at the front of the queue called. Lysandra walked confidently towards the stool, sitting down and waiting as the sorting hat was lowered onto her head. She sat there for a few seconds before the sorting hat called out "Slytherin!" and she jumped off, walking towards the far table, who had erupted into cheers. She looked like she had expected this outcome, and the sorting hat had taken barely any time in sorting her, clearly making up its mind very quickly.

"Rompier, Kaltain!" A small girl with dark flowing hair stepped up, sitting on the stool for quite some time before eventually being pronounced a "Ravenclaw" and walking towards her new house.

Next was Dorian who stepped up, almost jumping with excitement and flinging himself onto the stool. Dorian, as predicted, was announced a Ravenclaw, taking far less time than Kaltain. It was then apparent that the quicker you were sorted, the more obvious your house clearly was to the sorting hat.

At this point, Aelin began to zone out, only hearing a select few names, most of which being the names of her friends.

"Parkinson, Luca!" "Hufflepuff!"

"Towers, Yrene!" "Ravenclaw!"

"Jones, Ress!" "Gryffindor!"

"Lochan, Elide!" "Slytherin!" Aelin began to notice that all the students selected to be in Slytherin were pure blooded, from ancient wizarding families. This was strange - why weren't muggles sorted there?? The answer soon came to Aelin, as she remembered the infamous phrase that had been shot at her and her parents when she was younger, simply because they were muggles. Mudblood.

More and more students went up and were sorted, until Aelin found herself at the front of the queue, the only remaining person waiting to be sorted.

"Ashryver Galathynius, Aelin!"

The hall erupted as students whispers and gossiped, stared and gaped. Although far away, Aelin could hear snippets of conversations, catching words like 'Galathynius', 'Evalin and Rhoe', and 'alive?'

Aelin slowly made her way towards the sorting stool, sitting down and looking outwards. Her eyes caught on the silver-haired boy from earlier, who looked at her with a face of shock, yet with a glimmer in his eyes which suggested that it only made him hate here more.

Aelin looked up to see the sorting hat be lowered towards her head, slowly descending. The hat had not even landed on her head before it started to writhe, suggesting a clear judgement. Aelin looked out once again, locking her gaze on her cousin, looking proudly on her from his place at the Gryffindor table. Suddenly the hat began to squirm even more, still having not touched her head.



Aelin Galathynius / Hogwarts - Mischief & Magic 🤍Where stories live. Discover now