Chapter Thirteen - The Cadre

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Just so you know, I'm not going to make Gavriel and Aedion father and son in this book, as I just can't find a way to do it that isn't weird. Hope that's okay! I also couldn't find a fan art of all six of the cadre, so there's only this one, which doesn't have Vaughan. Sorry!


Aelin's POV -

This would be fun.

But - of course - it would be more fun if Aelin decided to mix it up.

"Heyyyyyy. How're you doing?" Aelin grinned. This was going to end badly, but hey - why not make it worse?

"What was witch-face talking to you about?" Lorcan sneered, completely ignoring her previous comment. The blonde boy at the back however, was absolutely howling with laughter. Aelin noted that he had been the one who was grinning beforehand, and had already decided that out of the group, he was her favourite.

"Manon was talking to me about the quidditch team." Aelin sneered back. However a grin still lit up her face; she'd finally found her match and would certainly enjoy messing with Lorcan.

Suddenly the silver-haired boy at the front broke out into laughter. Not joyous, contagious laughter but cold, cruel laughter.

"Don't worry about the quidditch team sweetheart, somebody like you would never make the team. How's that working out for you anyway? I can't imagine you'll be in Slytherin long. Don't worry, they'll transfer you soon."

"Damn who hurt you?" Aelin said back, "For a Ravenclaw you don't seem to be very smart. I am a Slytherin and I will remain one. Oh and whilst we're on the subject, Manon was talking to me as I am now on the quidditch team." She finished.

Aelin stood back now, watching smugly as the Lorcan and the silver-haired boy's jaws both clenched, the boys behind them's jaws dropping.

"You can't be on the team. I'm not playing with some filthy mudblood. Besides all the positions are full. You'd have to be good enough to bench somebody and we all know that isn't true."

Lorcan looked as if he was five, about to throw the biggest temper tantrum the world had ever seen.

"Oh please, they'll have stuck her on the bench if anything. Don't want her getting in the way and messing up your shots with the quaffel", the boy exclaimed. "She didn't even name her position; Manon's clearly just doing it to make her feel better."

"She'll be out in a week." Another boy said.

"Nah five days" said another.

"Well I think she's going to be on the field playing," the blonde boy said, a grin still adorning his face. Was it broken that way? Did he even frown?? It wasn't a problem and Aelin was happy that he was happy, but compared to these miserable people she couldn't see it working out.

"Did she even give you a position? Or did Manon straight-out tell you that you were on the bench?"

"Actually she did tell me what position I'm playing."

"Well?" Lorcan said expectantly.

"Chaser" Aelin replied confidently.

The blonde boy once again broke down laughing, as Lorcan's scowl got even worse.

"Great. You'll be playing alongside me."

Aelin Galathynius / Hogwarts - Mischief & Magic 🤍Where stories live. Discover now