Chapter Eleven - Snitches and Witches

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Hey! I know it's been a while, but I have recently been working on a bunch of chapters, so they are all going up today! Hopefully you enjoy! I've written about 3 chapters.


Aelin's POV -

Manon and Aelin walked out into the middle of the field towards a large box and two broomsticks.

"What are we doing here?" Aelin asked, only to be met with a stern glare from Manon, who pointed in the direction of a broom and walked off towards the box.

Aelin decided not to question Manon on this one and instead got onto the broom, kicking off of the ground and hovering by Manon.

"Miss tells me that you need more work so I'm here to help you. Judging from your take-off, you'll need all the help I can give you."

Aelin had no response to what Manon had said. Only a few students had managed to even get off of the ground, and it was pretty clear that she was one the best in her class. Whatever this girl was trying to prove, Aelin would show her that she was wrong.

Manon hopped onto a broom and kicked up off of the ground, pulling a large box with her.

"This, as I'm sure you know, is a quidditch box, containing all the balls for the game. We're going to run through them and do a few rough games, so that we can get you up to scratch." Manon said.

"But if your problem is with my flying, then how is practicing the game going to help?" Exclaimed Aelin, only receiving a scowl in return. Well then.


Soon, Aelin and Manon had run through all of the different positions of quidditch, Manon claiming that their class would love onto quidditch next, so teaching her would help her advance do she was at their level. Aelin though - no - knew this was stupid; she was doing fine in flying lessons.

So far she had worked out that out of all the different positions, chaser and seeker were her favourites. As a chaser, she was always where the action was, and as a seeker she could win the match. Although there was a lot of pressure on her as a seeker, Aelin thought that the adrenaline would really add to the fun, keeping her on edge.

As the sun set, a deep, hazy pink fillings eb sky, Manon and Aelin began to fly down, making their way towards the now empty pitch. A few students had walked by at one point, stopping to stare as the two yelled back and forth, flying around through the air. At one point Aelin had caught the quaffel from Manon, resulting in a fit of hisses and sharp-and-as-metal nails. They had then proceeded to chase after each other, snarling viciously, until those snarls and scowls turned into smirks and the occasional laugh. By the end of the session, a friendship had formed between them, two people both fiery and strong, yet overly sarcastic and willing to do anything to achieve their means.

Manon began to pack away the quidditch gear, only to turn around to Aelin with a massive, shit-eating grin on her face.

Here it came.

"Okay, you're on the team."

Aelin Galathynius / Hogwarts - Mischief & Magic 🤍Where stories live. Discover now