All Alone

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It was dark. The harpies were doing their rounds and the campers were asleep in their cabins.

Except one.

No one heard the screams coming from a certain cabin.

The heart-wrenching sobs.


A figure thrashed around in their bed.


Their blankets were kicked off the bed.


Pillows were thrown to the other side of the room.


They gasped in pain, their throat clogged and vision blurry. Tears were streaming down their cheeks and their hands were scratching at any scar they could find. It wasn't hard, their body was littered with them. Not a single patch of scar free skin.

They struggled to breathe, their brain telling them they were still down there.

A hand clawed at their chest, their eyes darting around the room, searching.

Sweat dripped down their forehead, their body drenched in it from the extensive thrashing. Their whole body ached.

But what really ached was their heart, longing for those two bodies to be beside them. One warm, one cold, the perfect balance.

Their eyes darted around the room once more, checking that this was indeed their cabin and not down there.

The light from the lamp next to their bed glowed, casting the room in a golden hue.

The person sighed, their body falling back onto the bed. They turned over onto their side, eyes staring intently at the lamp.

The sigh was filled with pain, understanding that they weren't going back to sleep for the rest of the night.

Golden light hit their body, making their pale skin look healthier, closer to the golden tan they once had. Their black hair looked almost navy, contrasting with the light.

Their eyes slowly drifted closed, promising more pain.

About an hour later, green eyes shot open once more, their hand reaching up to hold their throat, breathing heavy.

With a sob did they get out of bed, reaching down for their blanket, wrapping it around themselves before stumbling out of their cabin and into the dark.

I'm Still Here (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now